Chapter 9:Questioning My Heart: Do I Love Him?

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~This is the worst summer vacation I have ever had (disadvantages of being older) like dude I have literally stacks of project works to do including holiday homeworks and that's not all I also have to study for the exam which will be held on the month of July where there will be maximum 10 chapters and minimum 5 chapters (sign) I am so tired 😩 😩 😩

But anyways ik this story is getting very very boring but pls don't cope with it for now cause the main plot is still left😏

Anyways Hope you will enjoy this update

Btw pls do turn up your volume cause the song above is very much my favourite 🦋



V woke up and found that jungkook was not in bed.He saw Taehyung who was sleeping with an open mouth.

V slowly got off from the bed and after freshing up he went downstairs.

The scene in front made him go all crazy

He saw jungkook was cooking breakfast with Mrs Jeon,Mrs Kim & Jin while Yeonjun was Backgugging kook


He fake coughed to get their attention


"Oh brother in law you woke up so early I mean you could have slept bit more "Yeonjun said unwrapping his hands from kook's waist

"Oh yea so that you can have a bit more romance with MY wife "
V thought

"Oh yea so what I woke up I wasn't feeling sleepy"V somehow managed to say and lazily went to Jungkook who was backfacing him,cooking.

He intentionally Stepped on Yeonjun's feet who yelped and moved aside.V successfully backhugged jungkook who leaned more into his husband's chest.Both forgetting about the surroundings.

"You slept well hubby?"Kook asked softly

"Hmm"V said and kissed kook's neck

"Ahm! Lovebirds we are still here if you forgot"Jin fake coughed and said

but all ignore Jin and was still cooing at the cuddly couple

"UF HOW DARE THEY IG----"Jin got cut off

"OMG they are so cute so adorable (does small jumps) so soft ahhhhh like a softie omg omg my heartu will burst googoo"The sudden outburst of Yeonjun made everyone stop

Mrs jeon dropped the spoon on the floor which she was holding.Her and Jin's Mouth went wide open

"h-how? D-did you just compliment T-them?Like k-kookie and bear"Mrs Jeon said

"I-I as far as I know you almost Jumped on Hoseok when he complimented Kook by saying that he was looking hot b-but b-but now when they (pointing at vkook) are doing romance y-you complimented them y-y-you"Jin fainted and fell on the floor as he finished

Yeonjun signed and said "what can I do they were looking so adorable I had no other option than to compliment them you know I am very much honest right haha right"

At this point, Mrs Jeon and Jungkook's face turned blank

Jin who was still fake fainting said "oh god another heartattack ah let me faint again"Saying this he again fainted

"Yea we know about that anyways the food is almost completed I'll set the table you all go and wake up your husbands and you Jin stop acting and do work"Mrs Jeon said sternly

Yeonjun pouted and said "V hyung"

"What does he want from me now"V thought

"Uhm hyung there are so pretty flowers in the garden like me wanna see it"Yeonjun said tucking a piece of hair behind his ear

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