Chapter 32: Reassurement.

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Charlies POV:

I wake up feeling like shit. Not physically, mentally. I mean that's how I always feel, I just act like everything is okay most of the time but nobody gives a shit about me anyways so it's fine.

Nick wakes up about 5 minutes later and kisses my head as I fell asleep on his chest. "Goodmorning my love." He says. "Mmm" i reply, signalling that I'm not okay. Nick does such an amazing job and realising when I'm okay or not and that's why he's so amazing. "Are you okay char?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sigh and walk to the bathroom where I try and throw up but I've eaten so little to the point where I can't so I just gag. Nick walks into the bathroom.

"Char" "mhm?" He puts his hand out and I grab onto it. He takes me onto the bed and sits cross legged facing me.
"Char you are the most fucking beautiful, stunning, most amazing, loving, gorgeous, handsome, kindest, most selfless person I have ever fucking met Charles. You mean so fucking much to me it actually hurts like shit. I know some days are hard for you and some times life feels shitty but I love you. I fucking LOVE you. You are so so so amazing and perfect. If you ever.."
Nick starts to cry..
"E-ever.. need me, I will always be right here. Right fucking here to catch you, to hold you, to just be there for you. You deserve the world. You deserve so much better and I will be with you every fucking step of the way my love. I love you so fucking much."

"You don't mean that, that's absolute bullshit." I say, crying. "No it's not Charles. I will keep saying it until you believe me because I love you so fucking much. I don't think you understand."

"I love you too Nick but I'm so ugly and annoying and-" Nick cuts me off. God I love him so much. "You're talking about my husband sir! I suggest you use kind words!" He says. I giggle. "Thanks Nick.. I really don't deserve you."

"No.. I don't deserve you my love."



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