Part 7: Almost time.

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*Time skip! // Charlie is now 7 months pregnant*

Tw: Throwing up, pregnancy, ocd.

N: Charlie stop being such a clean freak. It's clean!

C: It's not Nick, see!

N: That's the tiniest bit of dust my love.


Charlie rolls onto his side and squeezes his extremely big stomach.

N: Char I think you should relax for a bit. Even the baby is telling you!

C: Mmmmm ffffine.

Nick carries Charlie into bed and kisses him. Wait Nick I'm gonna-

Charlie throws up on their bed.

C: oh no, I'm so sorry. Nick I'm so sorry

N: Hey, hey! It's okay. C'mere.

Nick hugs Charlie and puts the bedsheets in the washing basket. He then carries Charlie to the sofa (couch)

C: can I have some biscuits with pickles please?

N: Char that's gross.

C: pleaseeee!

N: God your pregnancy cravings make me want to barf.

C: Hey you giant rugby idiot im carrying your child!

Nick prepares charlies food and puts it on a fancy tray along with a glass of water.

N: There you go m'love!

C: You didn't have to do all of this Nick..

Charlie starts to cry, it was only the mood swings but Nick follows along with them mainly because he learnt his lesson a long time ago.

N: Charlie it's the least I could do! I love you and this is what fian- boyfriends do!

Charlie is now drooling over his food and dosent even notice Nick almost just called him fiancè.

C: Yummyyy

N: I'm glad you like your very weird food choices!

C: Thank you. Also can we watch moonlight tonight?

N: we've watched that A MILLION times Charlie.

Charlie puts on a fake frown and starts to fake cry. His pregnancy hormones made him an amazing actor.

N: no no Charlie we can watch Moonlight! Im sorry.

C: yay!!

Nick reluctantly turns on moon light but later falls asleep on charlies bump. A couple of hours later, Charlie also falls asleep, the baby was kicking alot so he couldn't get any sleep. Surprisingly, it didn't wake Nick up.

*it's now the next day at 7:32AM*

N: Mmmmorning Charlie!

C: mm? Morning Nick.

N: oh, sorry. I didn't mean to-

C: it's okay! The baby was kicking like mad so I don't know how you didn't wake up though.

N: I'm a deep sleeper! Idiot.

C: Giant rugby lad.

N: Hey you fell in love with me first!


N: Everything okay?

C: yup yeah everything is alright!!

Nick knew it wasn't, he slowly rubs charlies bump and kisses it. He then lays next to Charlie who is grinning at him flirtily.

N: You're pregnant. We can't.. you know..


Charlie starts to cry

Nick is laughing his head off at this point. He finds charlies mood swings very funny. Charlie always gets angry at Nick for laughing.


N: Sorry!

C: I want sushi. Why do I have to wait another 3 MONTHS just to eat sushi.

N: Because I knocked you up.

C: mmm true.

M: Charlie I've got to go to an.. interview, would you be fine here with my mum?

C: Your mum is pretty much my mum so okay!

Nick wasn't going to an interview. He was going to propose to Charlie in a few days. He just needed an excuse to get the ring.

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