chapter 16: Becoming a nelson.

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*Time skip! Charlie is now 7 months pregnant and they are getting ready for their wedding.*

I am so excited. I am getting married to the love of my life. This is seriously the best day ever. I made sure to eat quite a bit today so I wouldn't faint walking up the isle or anything. I didn't invite my mum because she was an alcoholic and I didn't want her to start anything.

I am buzzing, today i get married to Charlie Francis Spring. Who is soon to be Charlie Francis Nelson. I can barely sit still. I wonder if Charlie and the baby are okay. Blaze is our flower boy and tori will help. Tori is also charlies maid of honour. I don't really know what they do but she is quite important.

Nick and charlie both finish getting ready and my mum, Sarah, walks Charlie down the aisle.

I cough quietly, cleaning my throat. The priest says I can start saying my vows. "Charlie, I have loved you ever since we got sat together in form back in year 10 and 11, I will continue to love you and our children. I promise that I will be loyal, protective, caring and honest. I love you so much."

I start to get anxious when Nick finishes his vows because there is quite alot of people I don't know from nicks side of the family. Nick mutters "I love you" which gives me the confidence to say my vows.

"Nick, the snow day was one of the best days of my life. Going to your house for the first time. I will continue to love you no matter what we go through as a family. I promise to be honest, loving, loyal and caring. I love you."

The priest says we are allowed to kiss. As we were coming up from our kiss in which Nick had bent me backwards he says "You did so well." He made me feel warm and loved. We party for about an hour until I hear some commotion coming from the very far corner of our massive inside venue. I then hear my mums voice. Nick stands beside me, holding my hand tightly. I knew nothing could happen to me when i was with him.

Charlie is obviously nervous. I don't want anything to happen to the baby so I grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom. "Char, you look nervous. I know your mum is here but I've got you. Just please, don't let anything happen to you or the baby."

Nick cares so deeply. I then hear my mum banging on the bathroom door. I slide down the wall and start to panic. This is one of the worst panic attacks I've had in a while.

"JANE, IF YOU EVEN STEP AN INCH INTO THIS ROOM, I WILL NOT HOLD BACK." I scream, trying not to worry Charlie. Charlie is holding his bump. I think the only reason he was trying to calm down was because of the baby. The baby was also making him more nervous though.

Security comes and handcuffs Jane. Charlie hates Jane with every bone in his body. He is still panicking, I sit down next to Charlie and continue giving him little kisses until he starts to calm down. I rub his bump and wipe his tears with my suit sleeves.

"Nick I ruined our wedding day I'm so sorry.." I say rubbing my bump hoping the baby is okay.

"Hey, no you didn't. Char I love you"
Charlie and I then hear a knock on the door. It's my mum, Sarah, and Tori. We let them in to which they see charlies big puffy eyes. Tori looks devastated. She then bends down and hugs Charlie.

Tori: Are you okay Charlie? Is the baby okay?

"Yeah, I think so." I say. I've calmed down now so Nick, Sarah, Tori and I all go out to party a little bit more until it starts to get late and the ceremony ends.


Nick and Charlie fanfic. / MpregWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu