Chapter 23: Birth.

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"CHARLIE!?" I scream. He's out. "NURSE, HES FAINTED. HES FAINTED." I say stressing. I'm now crying. What if he dosent make it?

"OKAY, TAKE HIM TO INTESIVE CARE PLEASE SURGEON." The doctor says to the surgeon.

We arrive in intensive care and they do a C-section. I hear an array of cries and then see two babies.

"Uhm, ma'am, Charlie was only having one baby. Or atleast that's what we got told at the ultrasound."

The doctor looks at me concerned. "These are both definitely charlies. One must've been hiding. Don't worry, they are both perfectly healthy and anything that you haven't been able to supply will be supplied as a sorry for the inconvenience."

Looks like poor Charlie got gifted with the genes of always having twins. I mean it's understandable as his cousins are twins. I guess it runs in the family.

Then as I'm zoned out thinking about how Charlie had twins twice in a row, I hear a groan.

"N-nick?" I hear Charlie say from the hospital bed.

"Charlie!? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I think I'm alright, how is the baby?"

"Babies." I say quietly.

"Hm? What did you say?" Charlie says looking at me confused.

"You had twins, again. One was just hid behind the other, but don't worry, both babies are healthy and one is a girl and one is a boy."

"We should name the boy, Mason and the girl Lily."

"Hm, Okay. Are you sure?" I ask reassuring Charlie.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Lily, Mason and Blaze. The perfect children. I'm so proud of you Charlie."

"I couldn't be more proud of you too, Nick."

Charlie and I share a kiss. I'm so proud of him.


"God it feels so good to be back home." Charlie says sighing.

"Okay, you sit down I will look after the kids." I say sweetly.

"What, no, Nick. That's too much pressure on you."

"Hey hey, you're meant to sit down for a couple days after a C-section okay?"

"PAPA, DADA!!" Blaze says running and hugging Charlie.

"Hello sweetie! How was your sleepover with Nana Sarah!?"

"Fun! We did paint! And went beach!"
Blaze then looks at Nick who is getting the twins out of the car.

"Is babies here?" Blaze asks.

"Yes but you have to be very careful okay. Babies are fragile okay?"

"Okay, I be gen- gentle." Blaze replies.

"Hello honey!" Nick says with one baby in each hand in two small car seats.

"Is this babies?"

"Yes, that was what you looked like one day." Nick says

"Why there two?" Blaze asks.

"Papa had twins. So two babies at once, you had a twin too but sadly that baby didn't make it."

"I had a t-twin?"

"Yes honey, but twin went to heaven and now is looking down on you."

Blaze then looks up at the sky and waves.

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