Part 3

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The girls come back into the compound, laden with bags and books and cackling with laughter. Tony taps his foot expectantly when they get into the living room. Ingrid rolls her eyes and slaps his card into his open hand.

"Come on Tot, lets get this into your room then head to the theater!" Nat smiles widely. And Ingrid laughs again.

"Yes ma'am Sha."

The girls make three bags of popcorn, grab plenty of sodas and candies, and some chips on their way to the indoor theater.

"So Tot,"

"So Sha,"

Nat smiles and reclines her seat, pulling a large blanket over her. "FRIDAY, please play Mean Girls. And add Clueless, The Notebook, Princess Diaries 1 and 2, and all To All the Boys to the cue." She grins at Ingrid. "It'll be an all-nighter."


"We're staying up all night to watch all of these. We'll get some energy drinks eventually." Nat shrugs. "You know, you're gorgeous."

"I am the goddess of beauty," Ingrid laughs.

"How many problems does that cause you?" Nat chuckles back

"Too many," Ingrid jumps as the movie starts and shoves some popcorn in her mouth.

During the halloween party in the movie, Ingrid jumps up and shouts, "All Father this Regina is such a bitch!" spewing chips from her mouth as she yells.

Nat giggles and pulls the girl back down. "Thats the point, babes." Ingrid huffs and grabs another handfull of chips in anger.

After the first Princess Diaries, Nat announces that their only halfway through. Ingrid yawns and cuddles closer into her blankets. The red head laughs and gets up, calling back that she's getting Monsters for them.

A few seconds later, the door opens again and Ingrid looks up, surprised to see her back so soon. All she finds is a large form frozen in the door way.

"Hi?" She asks, sitting up.

"Sorry," It's a man. Although Ingrid coils have guessed that from the height and build. One of his arms was strangely glinting in the light from the hallway.

"Do you need something?"

"No, I usually come down here to watch movies when I can't sleep but it seems the room is occupied." He unfreezes himself and leans in the doorway. "I'm Bucky, you saw me earlier."

"Yeah! I remember! I'm Ingrid." She smiles and can almost see him stumble back in awe.

"I remember. Goddess of beauty, right?" The girl nods and Bucky chuckles. "You live up to it."

"Is this flirting?"

"I could never."

"Well I wouldn't have minded but since you aren't,"

"I could flirt," He steps closer, into the theater. "If thats what you want from me." His voice is dangerously low, raspy.

"How do you know I want anything from you." Ingrid teases. He steps closer.

"You're contradicting yourself,"

"You're messing with my thoughts."

"Am I? My deepest apologies."


He's standing right in front of Ingrid now, who is sitting with a straight back to hide the exited goosebumps making her body twitch. His voice is so,


Who is this man, really. And how is he doing this to her?

A.N gasp. We've met the hottie with the body now. xx -M

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