Part 1

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The Bifrost opened and I hopped in, saluting Heimdall before I disappeared. Ursa was huddling against me from fear of the Bifrost and I held her tight until I dropped onto solid ground. It was nice, green grass, save for the Norse symbol now scorching where I was standing. I saw multiple men coming out of the building in front of me, mostly of strong builds.

"What are  you doing here? Who are you?" One asked. He had black hair and was much shorter and smaller than the others.

"I'm Ingrid." I stated, as if that would explain everything. I noticed the difference in my thick accent compared to his American one. I also noticed everyone eyeing me. In the way all men do.

"Ok?" A brunette squinted at me, trying to predict if I'd attack. I jumped toward him, faking him out. He reached behind him just as quickly and pulled out a bow and arrow. My eyebrow quirked.

"I'm looking for my brothers."

"And who might they be?" As the blonde asked, Thor walked out, holding Mjollnir. He looked ready to fight, like the rest of them, but dropped the hammer and his rough face when he saw me. He ran at me, tackling me in a hug. He picked me up and spun around, crushing me with his excitement.

"Riri! I haven't seen you in so long!" His booming voice rang through the air. "Ursa! Hows my best girl!" he dipped down to love on the dog and I patted my brother's head.

"Hey, Sasquatch."

"Thor is your brother?" The black haired nman asked.

"Oh! Ingrid, this is Tony, Clint, Steve, Peter, Bucky, Vision, Wanda, Natasha, Bruce, Sam, and Pietro." He pointed at everyone and I repeated their names in my head. "Everyone, this is my baby sister Ingrid."

"Does that make you a goddess?" Tony stepped forward.

"How perceptive of you. Do you want a trophy?" I crossed my arms. "I'm the Goddess of love, beauty, pain, emotions, and mind. I can take away and feel people's pain, change my appearance, read and control minds, and control people's emotions." I smiled, making some of the men swoon. I rolled my eyes. "I can also beat his ass in a match." I nodded to Thor, punching his shoulder playfully.

"Don't believe her. She lies." He tries to defend himself.

"Oh come on big brother, you know I'm right." Smirking, I tell his mind to agree with me, which he does. "Where's Sunshine?"

"Inside, I'll call him out." Thor smiles. "Friday, call Loki outside please."

A cool, british voice returns, talking through a speaker I quickly spot. "Of course Sir, he is on his way."

A few moments later, Loki materializes in front of me and I immediately hug him close to me. "Teddy!"

"Sissy," He smiles. "I've missed you so much."

"Me too." He smiled softly. "I have so much to catch you two up on. I was proposed to!" I chatter away, letting myself into the building despite Tony's weak protest.

"By who?" Loki's brow furrowed and he crossed his arms.

"Volstagg. And I refused; he's one of my friends too." I shrugged, leaving out the part when basically all of Asgard tried to court me as soon as my brothers left. "All Father would have made me say yes but thankfully he's dead now. Volstagg and I are still ok, we went hunting afterward." Thor thumped my back in pride.

"Kill anything?"

"A few boars and an eagle." I smiled at the happiness in Thor's eyes. He was proud of me.

"Hey!" I turned at the sound of a voice behind us. "You can't just walk into my compound. I need to clear you, do background checks, interviews, it's a whole process."

That boy is mineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora