Part 4

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Nat kicked open the door which had started to close, smiling with her arms full of energy drinks. Her face dropped and a smirk appeared on her lips.

"Am I interrupting something? I can come back in a minute," She raises an eyebrow and backs up a step.

"No!" Ingrid shoves Bucky away and stands up on the couch. "It's fine, lets keep watching." She smiles, trying to diffuse the situation.

When Nat walks down the stairs to the front row, she whispers something into Bucky's ear. He glares at her and stalks out of the theater.

"Alright Tot, pick your poison." She drops the can onto the floor and Ingrid sinks into a curled ball on the seat.


"It's a saying, just choose what flavor you want. You might need a few of these to do anything because of your goddess blood but their good." Nat grins, grabbing a black can with green markings on it. Ingrid takes a white one and pops it open. She takes a sip, a hum of approval leaving her lips. Nat giggles and starts the next movie.

At noon, Thor wanders into the theater, searching for Ingrid. She hadn't even slept in her new bed. He would know, she never makes her bed. He sees his sister sprawled half on the floor with her legs on the couch, chips in her hair, a piece of popcorn half in her mouth, and a blanket that's only wrapped around one leg. Nat isn't much better. Her hair looks like a rats nest, there's drool creating a line down the side of her mouth and she's cradling a 2L of Coke on her arms. Thor sighs, chuckling quietly and kicks Ingrid until she raises her head.

"Oh dearest sister," He has his hands on his hips and his face tells Ingrid that she should be embarrassed. "What have you done?"

"Nat and I watched eight movies." She nods her head proudly.

"Go take a shower, Riri"

"Good idea Sasquatch."

In her room, Ingrid finds an en suite bathroom that rivals her palace washroom. Peter had installed the new sink handles and placed the soft towels on a rack contraption. When Ingrid reached forward to grab one, the metal sizzled and burned her fingers. She hissed but turned on the waterfall faucet in the walk in shower while glaring at the rack.

She undressed and brushed chips and tangles out of her hair. Ingrid relished the feeling of hot water running down her spine as she washed herself. She let the water stay on for a few minutes longer than necessary to fully warm herself before turning it off and stepping on the bathmat. She carefully toke a towel off of the rack and smiled at the warmth.

When she started opening drawers and cabinets in her vanity, she noticed how stocked it was. Loki must have gotten her all of her necessities. She pulled out hair product and a diffuser hair dyer, brushing out the thick strands before starting her process.

An hour later, Ingrid is wearing sweatpants and a tight, cropped tank top and sitting at her makeup vanity, lightly tapping concealer under her eyes.

There's a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

"Sissy, open the door."

"No! Come in Teddy!" Loki walks in a plops himself onto her bed, wearing slacks and a casual shirt. "Good morning."

"It's 2 o'clock."

"Good afternoon." Ingrid huffs, spraying her face with setting spray. "How's your day going?" She gets up and lays down on her bed next to Loki.

"Fine, pretty boring really." He sighs and leans back on his hands.

"I ate so much last night." Ingrid grumbles. "I never want to eat again."

"You'll have to. Maybe some dinner tonight?"

"Family dinner?" Ingrid asks, perking up.

"Sure Sissy."

A.N Hey y'all! I'm so sorry this ones short... I have no idea what's going to happen next tbh. I'm literally 4 parts in wtf. ANYWAY hope you're enjoying! I'm going to try to make this slowburn but I tend to move plots too fast so comment or message me if I'm doing that. Lastly, if you have any ideas for plot, I'll try to incorporate that or try to make a one shot book (NO PROMISES) xx -M

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