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"You're still the least favorite member of this band."


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Bandlagom Thanks for having us @f1

💬 625

👤 You are amazing but I was there and I can say no one wanted you there. We wnated big party not some band play for us

F1 Happy to hear you there
👤 They were the only one 😂
👤 No, Logan was too
👤 Because he is in love with Rachel

👤 That one video where Logan smile on Rachel >>>>>
👤 They know each other two days and are already cuter than most couples on grid

👤 Alex was amazing like always ❤

👤 Zoey is the prettiest girl

👤 Zoey be my girlfriend 😍

👤 Queen of lesbians, Zoey fucking Hoffman

👤 Harvey deserve post just for him. He is the most amazing
👤 Harvey? Alex was literally around 16-17 years old when he made this band. He deserve whole world
👤 Rachel deserve all the love ❤
👤 No
👤 NO


It was Monday, and Rachel didn't get much sleep. After all the media attention Logan had, which wasn't much because he retired from the race, they went to a nearby pastry shop where they sat down for an hour over ice cream, trying to find out various things about each other.

Mostly they were the most typical questions. Siblings, favorite movie or music. And those types of questions. However, they only had an hour, so they didn't find out much about each other, but both definitely said goodbye feeling like this wasn't the last time they would see each other.

They only had an hour because then Rachel had to get ready for the performance. She still didn't understand why someone had to perform at an after-party, but then she realized that this was a USA race, so this was completely normal.

UNDERRATED // F1 LOGAN SARGEANTWhere stories live. Discover now