Chapter 2

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*On the roof of Azkaban, Hunter is looking at the stormy ocean, and the dark sky*

Hunters POV:

I hate this,  why did I even betray my family all those years ago! I guess this is my life now...

*Hunter sits at the ledge and starts singing with tears in his eyes*

"Why did I do it, why did I try,
To find solace in darkness, to reach for the sky,
I left my family behind, shattered their trust,
Thinking I could find love, but only caused more dust.

I broke my heart, thought it could fix,
But I just made the pain go deeper, a never-ending abyss,
Regret fills my soul, tears stain my face,
For the choices I made, for the love I misplaced.

In the pursuit of power, I lost sight of what's true,
Abandoned the ones who loved me, left them feeling blue,
Now I'm haunted by memories, of what used to be,
Aching for forgiveness, longing to be free.

I stand here alone, with a heavy heart,
Wishing I could rewind, go back to the start,
But time marches on, and I must face the truth,
I'll carry this burden, the consequences of my youth.

I broke my heart, thought it could fix,
But I just made the pain go deeper, a never-ending abyss,
Regret fills my soul, tears stain my face,
For the choices I made, for the love I misplaced.

but I know, I broke there hearts. I know it's to late. So deeper I shall go, into this dark stormy road. Cuz I know it's to late, to forgive me, so further I shall go, with my life at risk"

*Hunter gets up and wipes his eyes, he goes back inside*

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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