Chapter 1

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Hunter's POV:

Dear diary, it's day 5475. 15 whole years me and my wife Bellatrix have been trapped in this ghastly place. Tomorrow students are meant to be going back to school, after the holidays, but it doesn't work like that here, we have no holidays, we can never leave. Each day us prisoners are getting more crazier and crazier; it's driving me insane! But earlier there was some hope, hope to get out of this hell hole. We managed to convince the dementors to turn to Voldemort, and, well, this plan might work. Tomorrow the dementors are gonna break some of us out l, and we will be free! It's just like a happy-

"Hunter, you fool! Put that damn diary of yours down and come here!" Bellatrix screams from the window. She's always been quite aggressive and insane, but ever since we came here, she's been getting even worse. I finally snap back to reality and away from my imagination.

I put the diary down and get up from the bed. I walk over to bellatrix and hug her from behind. She laughs crazily as usual. "Hunter, Hunter, Hunter... I can't wait to escape this prison! We're going to show those stupid muggles and muggle-lovers who's boss! They're going to regret the day they punished us all!" I look at her and stroke her cheek with my thumb "Yes they will my love, nobody will ever mess with death eaters or the dark lord again."

No muggle or muggle-lover will ever understand how bad Azkaban is. They will never understand all the torture we go through, or how the dementors slowly drain our happiness. They banish us here to rot, like we have no purpose. They will never understand why we did what we did, chances are that it was because of them. People say death eaters are the most heartless ones? Ha! Only if they understood...

Ever wondered what us prisoners in Azkaban eat? Let's just say, it's the opposite of luxury. We're only allowed to eat when the dementors decide to give us food. The food is barbaric. We get soup with chunks of withered, rotting Tuna inside, a side of milder bread, and a glass of dirty sewer water. Even though it is super disgusting, us prisoners beg for this food, we only get fed once a week. Still think we don't have it bad? How about I tell you about when the craziest prisoners are hungry?

Pure cannibals, the lot o' them. Not only do they rip there hair out from craziness, but they also try eating some of the prisoners. I've seen a women cut off a man's finger and eat it while he was sleeping, crazy, right? That's Azkaban for you. It's best to sleep with one eye open. And don't get me started on when we need a toilet! Every cell has a bucket in the corner? Once your finished you throw the waste out the window and into the ocean. It must be hand-cleaned daily. If you lose your bucket, good luck, you must do your business in a corner.

I've had to do my business in a corner for the past 3 months. Bellatrix lost her bucket, so she stole mine! This is why you never leave your bucket unattended with a psycho!

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