21 videotapes

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Darry's POV:
July 25th, Thursday
Mom and Ms. Dickson had both brought out pictures. They said it was to talk about their past to get to know our families.

Ms. Dickson talked about his son like he was alive yesterday. It's extremely sad how vivid her memories of him are.

"He loved, loved, loved track! He played football too, but Good Lord this just might be the happiest picture I have of him."

It was a picture of him grinning and holding Lorrie along with a big metal.

"I can tell he really enjoyed life. He died a very happy boy you know." Mom looked extremely sympathetic.

"I know but what happened to him wasn't fair." Ms. Dickson swallows before she finally tells us how her son passed. "It was um, March 29th, eight years ago. He went to a movie with a few of his friends like every teenager in America does. Everything was fine, and then I went to pick him up, but there was an argument outside of the theater. He walked out to curb, reach for the door. And go shot in the head. The guy that shot him was aiming at the guy he was arguing with who had ran in front of my car...
It was a complete accident."

"That's tragic. What did the accidental killer do?" Steve was frowning in investment.

"We actually was the first one to call 911, and he apologized so so much. He really sweet about it, but he did go to jail because at the end of the day he was trying to kill to someone..."

That's so unfortunate.

"I remember how confused I was for weeks." Lorrie brought up.

"I don't think Darcie knows who he is at all. She wasn't even two yet. I don't think Lorrie was really alright until she started high school because at the time she was twelve. I remember she used to have these... outburst. And I couldn't do anything about it because I knew she was just hurting. Like she just lost her big brother, what am I supposed to do? I was just as upset as she was." She ended,
"but that's how he went. And because I've never had a husband, Darius was the best help and the biggest motivation I've ever had. But I hope that by now I've figured out how to do those things without him."
"Anywho, what about your husband?"

"I have a million of his videos and his pictures because he was... the best thing I've ever seen." Mom was lit up with smiles.

"He actually went to school to be a broadway performer. But when he met me, He dropped it all and moved out here to this farm."

"That's so cute." Johnny nodded.

"You think that's cute? Watch this." She turns on the tv and puts in a CD.

"Just for context for that don't know. I have two moms, you they got with random guys just a baby, but anyone this was him meeting my moms. Back when we were in college."

I remember Grammy and Menaw. Menaw passed before Dad, and Grammy did after.

The video:
(Imagine hands on hips, real confusion)
"Which one's your mom?"- Colby (Mr. Curtis's name :)

"Why didn't you tell him, Shana?"- Margret (Shana's Momma)

(Jokingly) "I didn't want him to run."- Shana

"Well, we're both her 'mom' if you can accept that."- Bridget (Shana's Mami)

"Of course I can." (Gives them hugs) "you guys did such a good job raising your daughter."- Colby

*flips camera "I didn't know how that was gonna go, but that was great."- Shana

Video over

The Konley Effect (summer) ~Johnnyboy/StevepopWhere stories live. Discover now