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Dear reader: please humor me. This is my first short story.

To the dumbasses who screwed up the world. Congrats! You thought that you could play god and now we're all really playing god. Well not exactly. And not everyone...yet?

The time travelers (dumbasses) thought they could go back- which is a stupid idea, I mean, have you seen those time travel shows? It doesn't make any sense by the last season. So they went back and it was too back, I'm talking the things myths and legends are made of. But something went wrong with the machine and-although we did get those guys back- they brought something with them.

We called it THE WAVE because it looked like a wave so what else are we supposed to call it. When it happened, it smelled like dew and there was a faint change in the air in the distance as it came, like heat waves on pavement. And then we were in it and things didn't really make sense. But we felt...different. You're still you but you're also someone else. Remember those myths and legends? Yeah the machine didn't just cut off the realities like it does in the shows, rather it merged ancient history with the present.

We're still trying to figure out what that means, because there have been a few recent cases of extraordinary abilities, time-affected objects and really aggressive animals, not to mention that everyone feels a little more Gemini than usual. I tried to go on like nothing happened, but it felt itchy, like I was supposed to be get out of town. So I set off to find out! I mean, how hard could it possibly be?

Chapter 1

"I'm Jean."
"I'm Lu."
"So where are you headed?"
"I don't really know, I just feel it out most of the time. I was hitching a ride with a shipping and handling crew when a pigeon gave me away."
"Pigeons can talk??"
"No, but it was like a fire I got booted"
"We'll im going to Big Cove on Cuya Island, so we're going to Big Cove on Cuya Island.
"Just let me know when we get there"-Lu lays back and rests her eyes for a bit. She's still wet and salty so she deserves some time to rest and trusts this character.

(Jean) This will be fine. Just one more piece of cargo...if a piece of cargo is a full unpredictable human person...but no, this will still work out. I have all my supplies, extras upon extras of socks and if I've learned anything from THE WAVE is that I have to be ready for unexpected things!
(Lu) You're the lead in a rom com! No. You're Spider-Man and you just saved MJ! No. You are relaxing on a warm beachHHH! "Agh!" -Lu

"We made it." -Jean

They look up to an enormous pool that sits on the shore, a cove if you will, a big one if you will will. It's beautiful, and for a few seconds these new friends enjoy the endorphins of the enchanting trance of nature.

"My map shows we should take the right fork into the qhgshdjsjs" -Jean
"Yeah, yeah that sounds good. I'm feeling good about this." -Lu
(Lu) What can go wrong right?

"HHHEEEEEEEELLLLPPPPPP!! HELP ME!! FIRE!! MY BABY!!!" -unknown screeching person in danger

"Omygod!" -Lu instinctively runs towards the screams.
"No, we're going to go off course!"
"Alriight.." -Jean rolls his eyes but he hurries too.
Lu leads the way to the voice within seconds. Jean widens his eyes at her.

The boy with blue, spiked hair is grabbing at the air from the water he's submerged in, kicking and flapping as best as he can but there's something in there with him.
Lu stops. Jean takes a step towards the boy but Lu catches his arm and pulls him back.
"What?" -Jean asks puzzled.
"There's something in there with him. If we go in, it'll get us too." Lu looks towards the boy. "What's in there with you?"
"Berberoka! Berberoka!" -the boy
"Whats Berberoka?" -asked Jean.
"It's a monster that lures humans in by draining water, exposing fish, and snatching humans that want to eat it." -spewed Lu as fast as she could
"Jean, help me throw was many crabs as we can into the pool."
"Crabs?? Ew.."
"Just do it!"
"Okay, okay!"

(In slow motion) They launched as many crabs as humanly possible at the pool. Jean didn't think he had it in him. He didn't really like crabs, much less touching them, much less touching their pinchers...<shudder>.

But soon enough the shore subsided and was calm. The boy stumbled as fast as he could onto the sand out of reach of the shore.
"That was awesome!!"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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