Part 5.

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Michael's pov: *After the meeting*

Aurthor's note: Wow I am skipping around povs like crazyyy

Back to the book:

The indignation crackled in the air around Michael as he soared alongside Azrael. The High Court meeting had left a bitter taste in his mouth. Emily, with her naive pronouncements and blind faith in the possibility of demonic redemption, had single-handedly derailed their carefully laid plans.

"She's getting out of hand, wouldn't you say, Azrael?" Michael grumbled, his voice tight with frustration. "Hazbin Hotel, that wretched den of iniquity, has somehow wormed its way into her heart."

Azrael, his perpetually grim face creased even further, let out a low growl. "Indeed. Her constant defenses of those infernal creatures are unsettling, to say the least. A seraph, championing the cause of demons?" He shook his head, his short, black hair whipping in the celestial wind. "It's an ill wind that blows no ill, Michael. We can't allow this to continue."

"Absolutely not," Michael agreed, his brow furrowed in thought. "But how do we get rid of her influence? Fabricating evidence is out of the question. Sera, bless her heart, wouldn't stand for it."

Azrael, ever the strategist, offered a sly smile. "Force is unnecessary, Michael. We use their own rules against them. Let's call an emergency court session. We need to turn the tide of public opinion. Emily's unwavering support of Hazbin Hotel, coupled with her recent... unorthodox discussions about the state of the mortal realm, makes her ripe for the picking."

Michael's eyes gleamed with a predatory glint. "Unorthodox? You mean heretical, Azrael. Questioning the celestial order? That's a dangerous precedent for a seraph to set."

"Precisely," Azrael said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "We paint her as a rebel, a loose cannon who threatens the very fabric of Heaven. We frame her concern for the mortals as a sign of weakness, a lack of faith in our divine purpose."

"And what of Sera?" Michael questioned, a flicker of concern crossing his face. "She won't be happy about this. You know how fiercely protective she is of her sister."

"Sera's loyalty is a double-edged sword," Azrael replied, a knowing glint in his eyes. "We highlight the danger Emily poses to Heaven, the potential for a celestial schism. We frame this as an act of tough love, a necessary pruning of the celestial order. And if we can sway the court, exile will be the only option."

A cruel smile spread across Michael's face. Exile. The thought of Emily, stripped of her wings, cast out into the burning flames of Hell, sent a thrill of satisfaction through him. It was a drastic measure, yes, but a necessary one.

"A brilliant plan, Azrael," Michael said, his voice low with admiration. "We need to act quickly, before Emily can stir up any further dissent. Gather the other angels, frame the charges carefully, and let's see how Sera reacts when the entire court turns against her beloved sister."

Together, they soared through the celestial clouds, a dark pact woven against the backdrop of Heaven's pristine light. The fate of a seraph hung in the balance, her unwavering compassion twisted into a weapon to be used against her. 

The meeting loomed, a battleground disguised as a celestial court, where not lives, but ideals would be laid bare. And Michael, fueled by a twisted sense of righteousness and a burning ambition, was ready to claim victory. 

{[Hi again Lovelies, I know this one was short but I thought i'd just give you a short insight into the plot against Emily. Hope you enjoyed, and yes, finally next chapter we will be heading back to Adam's pov! Kisses!!!! 💋🥰}}

Word Count: 599

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