Part 2.

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Adam's pov:

The golden ichor seeped through Adam's trembling fingers, staining the once pristine white of his robes. Lute's eyes, usually a vibrant yellow that mirrored the celestial light they once basked in, were now clouded and still. Her final, selfless act echoed in the hollowness of his chest, a deafening roar amidst the silence of Hell's desolate landscape. A primal scream tore from his throat, a sound raw and broken, a lament that echoed across the barren wasteland.

Grief, a monstrous entity, threatened to consume him whole. But amidst the crushing despair, a spark ignited within him, a flicker of white-hot fury that rivaled the infernal flames that danced on the horizon. Nifty, the cherub-faced demon responsible for this atrocity, stood frozen a few paces away, the angelic dagger dripping with Lute's blood a grotesque parody of a holy relic. Seeing Nifty's horrified expression did little to quell the inferno raging within Adam. This wasn't fear - it was a pathetic excuse for an emotion compared to the maelstrom churning inside him.

He rose, his movements jerky and uncoordinated, the world blurring at the edges with unshed tears. His gaze locked onto the garish neon sign that mocked him from atop the Hazbin Hotel - a sickeningly cheerful beacon in this desolate place. In that moment, the hotel wasn't a beacon of redemption for sinners, as its deranged owner, Charlie, proclaimed. It was a monument to everything wrong with Hell, a symbol of the corruption that had taken Lute from him.

"You..." he rasped, his voice hoarse with barely contained rage. Nifty flinched, his cherubic features twisting in a mixture of fear and defiance. "You'll pay," Adam continued, each word dripping with venom. "They all will pay." He didn't know what form his vengeance would take, but one thing was certain - the gates of Hell would tremble before his wrath.

Lute's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. He would make sure of it. But first, there was a matter of laying his beloved leader to rest. Kneeling back beside her now-cooling form, a single tear escaped. He gently lifted her in his arms, the weight a stark reminder of the life stolen from him. He wouldn't bury her in this cursed land. No, Lute deserved better. He would return with Lute, to bury her in the gardens they liked to visit, in Heaven. There, amidst the celestial flowers and bathed in the warm glow of the eternal light, she could finally find peace.

With newfound resolve fueling his every step, Adam turned his back on the garish hotel, the flames of vengeance burning brighter than the infernal fires that painted the sky. He would unleash his righteous fury on those who dared to extinguish the light in Lute's eyes. Hell itself would tremble before his rage.

-Time skip: After her funeral-

Weeks bled into months, the celestial light of Heaven a stark contrast to the burning memory of Hell etched into Adam's soul. Lute's absence was a gaping wound in his existence, a constant ache that no amount of hymns or prayers could soothe. The funeral, a somber affair attended by the most elite exorcists in Heaven, had been a blur of choked sobs and whispered condolences. But none of it brought Lute back.

One starlit night, Adam found himself standing on the precipice of Heaven, gazing down at the swirling red mists that veiled Hell. The anger that had simmered within him for weeks finally boiled over. It wasn't just the grief, the raw, agonising loss of Lute. It was the mockery of it all. The audacity of Hazbin Hotel, a monument to a flawed philosophy, claiming the life of one who saw through the lies.

He gathered the last remnants of Lute's belongings - a worn leather-bound journal filled with her meticulous notes on demonic weaknesses, and a single angelic spear that shimmered faintly in the celestial light. He clutched them to his chest, the worn leather cool against his skin, a silent promise etched into every inscription in her journal, every glint of metal on her spear. He would avenge her, not just for duty or honour, but for the love that bloomed silently and secretly in his heart, a love that could only find voice in the face of her absence.

His plan was audacious, a desperate gamble fueled by grief and vengeance. Emily, a high seraphim and sister to the esteemed Sera, was the key. Adam knew of Emily's unwavering faith in the Hazbin Hotel's mission. He also knew of her immense celestial power, a power that could potentially open a gateway to Hell. The challenge would lie in manipulating her belief in the hotel for his own purposes.

He wouldn't speak of forbidden magic or risk jeopardizing Emily's celestial standing. Instead, he would paint a desperate picture of a situation gone wrong at Hazbin Hotel. He would fabricate a tale of a recent influx of dangerous demons overwhelming the hotel's defenses, putting innocent souls at risk. He would play on her compassion, and her fierce loyalty to her sister, despite Sera's skepticism of the Hotel's ability to redeem anyone.

With a heavy heart, Adam would approach Emily, tears welling in his eyes. He would tell her of his fabricated plight, of how he'd received a distress call from a source within the Hotel, pleading for angelic intervention. He would beg her to use her celestial power to open a temporary portal, a lifeline for those trapped within the demonic onslaught.

Adam knew it was a lie, a cruel manipulation of Emily's good intentions. But he clung to the hope that his deception would serve a greater purpose. Perhaps, by witnessing the true nature of Hell firsthand, Emily would see the flaws in her unwavering belief. She would see how they had tried to murder him, see how Lute had sacrificed herself to save him from their ruthlessness. The sight of the very place that preached redemption attempting to extinguish the life of an angel would surely shatter her faith in their cause. He would face Emily, plead his case, and hope that a spark of righteous fury flickered within her, a spark that could ignite a path to Hell and set him on a collision course with Nifty and the rest of Hazbin Hotel.

{Heheh.. What do you think lovelies? What will happen next? Will Adam succeed in manipulating poor Em? Or will Sera caught him? Sorry about not having like.. any diolouge, trying to change that! Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!! >> Hope you enjoyed and will keep enjoying! 💗}

Word Count: 1068

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