i. oblivious pt. 1 ꒰ percy ꒱

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percy sat at the edge of half blood hill, his gaze fixed on the sunset as the sky turned different shades of orange and pink.

his heart felt heavy, full of emotions he couldn't understand. and it was all because of one person.


percy couldn't help but feel some sort of connection to her. his heart always skipped a beat every time she looked at him, flashed him a smile, and brushed past him in the dining pavilion.

but y/n was oblivious.

she was always so full of life, so carefree, not having a care in the world, while percy was struggling to find the right words to express his feelings.

as he watched the sunset, he found himself lost in thought, thinking about every moment he had spent with y/n, and searching for any signs that she might feel the same way.

he knew he should tell her how he felt, but every time he tried he felt stuck as if the words got caught in his throat.

what if she didn't feel the same way? what if he ended up ruining their friendship?

so lost in his thoughts, percy didn't even notice when y/n approached him until she was standing right in front of him.

"percy, are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle.

percy forced a smile, trying to ignore everything he had been thinking about. "yeah, i'm fine." he told her.

y/n sat down beside him and he couldn't help but feel a fuzzy warm feeling in his heart.

"are you sure?" y/n looked at him, concern filling her (e/c) eyes. "you know you can talk to me, right? whatever's on your mind, i'm here for you."

"i...um..." percy hesitated for a second. he wanted to tell her but what if he was right, and did ruin their friendship?

y/n reached out her hand and grabbed his. percy felt his face heat up. he was glad it was dark so she couldn't see.

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. but i'm always here for you if you want to."

"thanks y/n."

y/n flashed him a small smile. "that's what friends are for right?"

percy felt his heart break at the word. is that all he was to her? just a friend?

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