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The World is an unforgiving place. No, it really is. Every time you think it is still savable something, or more commonly someone will ruin it all over again. But People are optimistic. They believe that somehow, they can still save themselves from the ever-closer coming doom. Let me tell you a short story about one of these people in particular: Jonathan O'Neart. 

Growing up he was a happy boy in a somewhat wealthy household. He had a handful of good friends, lots of hobbies and did well enough in school, although that would be an understatement. He was a straight A student, almost effortless. Life was great until, as everyone at one point has to realize, he understood that not everyone could enjoy the same fate as he could. Some People had it, in fact, far far worse. Struggling under a slowly dying economy, having to fight along without food, water, or housing, succumb to plagues and illnesses, most of them easily curable and then still being dragged along a slow painful demise. One of these people was even closer to him as the young boy had thought. His own mother became a victim of drug abuse. More often than not finding peace in a daily ritual she calls "whisky time". A dark play of words the child didn't really understand until he got a bit older.

Most people at this point would accept that those misfortunes are but a cruel, yet necessary part of life. Like in everything there had to be a balance of prey and predator. Without suffering, after all, how can there be happiness? But young Johnny wasn't the time to do so, for he understood that this way of fatalistic thinking would only help hide the social injustice and help let the slithering mighty People, the triggers of this pain stay unnoticed. And so our little hero began to use his well-developed brains to find a way out of this mess. A peaceful and diplomatic, yet lasting solution.

Unfortunately, he would too soon come to a point where he could not go any further. He lost his mind, hovering over this task, a quest with an enemy so strong so powerful and unforgiving it seemed impossible to fight: Humanity itself. He figured that to be able to help his people he would have to force them to forget their most natural instinct: Greed. But no matter how hard he would try to convince them with basic logic they would only laugh at him and his naivety. And so, he was forced to abandon his goal, and with it his mind.

He turned into a shell of his former self, indulged in drugs and Furry suits. A scary and sad creature. Like a shining sword abandoned and forgotten in a dark cave.

This fallen Hero was none other than my brother.

Now, even though I admire his cause, I still can't help but giggle at his miserable attempt. I sure learned a lot from it, the most important lesson being: Don't let the people decide for themselves what's best for them, for they are nothing but brainless idiots who can barely survive on their own. Much like the little needle of a compass they have to be poked by a well-meaning force in the right direction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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