ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ -7

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A/n  : I want to share with you all some plot Things which is message through this story.  So, You'll might Think It's a confusing story....... But for everyone's confusion..... I'm clearing some thinks that is.... The story is about some Toxic relations which lead a character or, more character like Jungkook, Taehyung, Their parents......etc. A great effect.  Therefore I'm representing Jungkook character more confusely cause he is the mystery character which You'll will know deeply......so, Don't judge so fast...... And the messesage of this Story is    "Childhood Trauma "..........

Yes, this story based on Childhood traumatic situation which leads a character future and his close ones suffer.... ...  So, I want everyone to make sure your child future is not effects by your small doings.........make sure he is getting his surrounding properly....... Make sure he is not learns any bad and verbalism from you......make sure he is growing heathy minded.......a person character grows from his childhood,  And parents or, elders are the one who will try to help these seeplings....with water and nutrients........ And proper care.....I hope You'll understand my words.....

I hope my message  goes to the readers............so no more blabberings Let's just get into the story..........



Flashback :

A strong personally the man on his 50 s Jeon Daesnim is inhaling a stick  like thing full of weed........on the livng area......The bodygurds is still around the room with a tight security....  The man spreading his legs like king...... And gazing at the weed stick....like a assain target......

But his silence broke by a sound of breaking.....his powerfull gaze move It's  way to the sound....

A maid is running behind the bunny looking cute boy who is giving her a hard time to deal with.....But when the boy got angry he took the show piece a throw it on her head...... Which cause her to bleed severally.....The older man just watches the whole situation peacefully........ Other maids come to took the maid......

Mr Jeon " Jungkook( yell powerfully) "

The bunny lookinh boy come forward with a scary eyes......like he will eat  him raw.....He pulled jungkooks arm harshly......

Mr Jeon " whats with this behave..... How many times I forbade...to not hurt any maids.......Did you forgot your Previous punishment ( smirk)"

Jungkook  Just gulped as how could he forget when his Grandfather pushed him on swimming pool .... While he cried,  yelled but no one goes to save him....untill his mother comes yelleing and crying beg for his life....... How could he forget that incident......

Once his Grnadfateher leave him 2 days in a store room without food when he was just 6 years old......what his reason is that he broke his Grandfather expensive wine glass......

When he  was 5 his Father beat him with his golf stick just becuase he cursed on his father's sl**t...

When he was 4 his Father  stand him whole day in sun without any clothes.....yes just a small kid...just beacsue he broke the car Lights.... Isn't they have 100more cars......

Jungkook just remembering  which punishment he would get now.......

Mr Jeon " You poor kid such a disappointment of my blood.......( mocking).... You're is as cheap as that cheap girl......( insulting Jungkooks mom)"

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