Chapter 8

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Ace's P.O.V
I took a deep breath before placing down the weights. I tried to do anything I can to forget that brat, but it wasn't easy at all....I couldn't help but remember what he said to me....not wanting to see me ever again....that wasn't fun at all...what can I do really tho?how do I keep him in my life and keep him safe?

Mailo's P.O.V
"I'm so glad you decided to come with me, thanks for having my back" Doris said, he's just a friend from class, he asked me to come with him look for a bunch of books
"No problem, I didn't have anything better to do so" I said as he looked at me confused
"I see....I'm plan b" he said with a frown
" were plan c" I said as he looked at me
"Very funny" he said as he walked in to the store
I followed behind him...I wasn't interested in what he wanted but I wanted to look around for some stuff myself as well, it was a good way of keeping Ace out of my head, it has been only a few days maybe I should give myself time.
"I'm sorry" I said as I felt someone bumping in to me
"No problem..." The man said making me instantly look up only to see friend that betrayed me 
"Reo..." I said as he looked at me
"Mailo? Oh my God you are safe you are actually safe!" He said before wrapping his arms around me making me pull away quickly
"Oi!" I said
"Sorry I just have been worried about you" he said
"Why?" I asked confused
"Because of what happend with Ace..." He said making me look at him
"Yeah but you payed him off now so it's all good" I said
"What?" He asked looking at me confused
"You payed him back....he got rid of me...." I said
"I never payed him back Mailo....I'm not even close to getting the money back" he said
"I see...." I said befire instantly leaving the shop
That fucking asshole....he will see who the hell he is messing with

Ace's P.O.V
"Master Ace here are the papers you asked for...we should be able to...." My staff said but someone interrupted
"Master Ace I'm so sorry we tried keeping him out" the maid said as Mailo walked in looking at me
"That's okay...what do you w..." I started but he cut me off by slapping me across my face
"Burn in hell you stupid asshole!" He said
I looked at Mailo before picking him up, throwing him on my shoulder taking him in to my room
"What the hell is your problem Mailo?" I asked as he looked at me as I pushed him in to the bed
"My problem?! Have you no fucking shame Ace? You used me! You fucked me whoever you wanted to! You took my innocence! Made me feel some type of a godam way then you fucking got bored of me....then you had the audacity to fucking lie to me!" He said
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked
"I know Reo didn't pay you back Ace....and frankly I don't think you will ever see that money ever again....that's beside the pint tho" he said as I looked at him not knowing what to say
"You didn't even have the audacity to tell me you got bored of I that horrible? You know what forget look like you are not suffering at all...I'm trying my hardest to not think about you...but I fucking can't because you're engraved in my brain....I keep feeling your touch....I can't forget your stupid touch....I hate you so much....I hate that you make me feel this way....why you out of all people? I don't know the answer either...." He said practically talking to himself
"That's all....I'm leaving now...." He said before he stood in front of me
"And this is a promise won't ever hear from me, or see me again....I won't get near you even if I bump in to you....this is the last time you will see me, it was nice knowing you" he said before leaving

"It's getting cold by the side where you used to sleep
So I get drunk tangled up in these dirty sheets
I cannot live with myself
If you call it quits
I'm gonna stay in this bed
Untill you love me again

"I'm his property" Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat