Chapter 4

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3 weeks later...

Mailo's P.O.V
It has been a while since I have been staying with Ace, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting used to it, one thing I liked was that the people that worked with him were so nice, and one thing I absolutely hated! Was the fact that after he gave me my phone back this mother fucker couldn't go a second without messaging me! And I am talking him messaging me in the middle of fucking class, asking me how my day at school is going and so on. In other circumstances this would actually be acceptable but it annoyed me so fucking much that I had to put my phone on do not disturb mode so I wouldn't hear his messages....I hated him...but in the other hand I couldn't help but think about him. Constantly we would be okay one minute but the other minute we would for example a few night ago, he had a gang meeting in the living room, and I had to do homework as we argued who gets the dining room....he ended up picking me up and bringing me up to his bedroom asked James to guard the door so I wouldn't go out untill the meeting was over....that fucker.....he said that he doesn't want alot of his workers to know me. I managed to sneak a view from the top tho, the worker he mentioned was a boy that was around my age, he looked pretty attractive. Not to mention the boy was hard core flirting with Ace, it bothered me when Ace called that kid and I quote "little brat" I guess he has a thing for this nickname, but somehow I thought that this nickname would only be reserved for me....I guess I should get my head strait and finally understand the fact that he is not really interested in me but he is interested in the money that Reo owes him, but then again if he is not really interested in me in that way....why would he go out of his was to make me feel butterflies? Why would he do the things he does with me? Why would he take my virginity?
Flash back...

why would he go out of his was to make me feel butterflies? Why would he do the things he does with me? Why would he take my virginity? Flash back

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End of flash back....

I found my self thinking about little moments like this, not to mention when he would kiss me....that night I ended up being pissed and annoyed at him because he called that worker of his brat. Ofcoruse another can of worms opened up with him asking how in the world I would know about that....I managed to say that I overhead it....that night both of us slept on the other side of the bed, going out of our way to avoid eachother neither one of us wanted to apologise, but then again I don't have anything to apologise for....

Present day....

I glanced at the door slowly as I felt it opening, I was getting ready to leave for school, so I didn't think anything much of it....we still haven't spoken after that whole brat argument we had. I sighed before rolling my eyes grabbing my backpack placing on my shoulder as I tried to walk away. Ace all of a sudden grabbed my wrist before pulling me back in to him, without a warning he grabbed my face in his hsnd befofe pulling me in to a kiss I struggled at first but soon melted in to the kiss, closing my eyes slowly beforr giving in to him

 Ace all of a sudden grabbed my wrist before pulling me back in to him, without a warning he grabbed my face in his hsnd befofe pulling me in to a kiss I struggled at first but soon melted in to the kiss, closing my eyes slowly beforr giving in to...

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