Chapter 2

33 1 18

Mailo's P.O.V
Sometimes life is weird, it just takes a twist like that, I e day you have the worry of passing an exam, your biggest problem being weather or not you should have that side of fries with the burger you ordered, but the next minute you find yourself being someone else's property, you lose your own self to someone, you become like a piece of plastic, and animated object, your feelings no longer matter and you are not considered a human being....that's me now, I am now someone's property....more like sex slave or just whatever he wants me to be. I hate it, I hate how I lost my freedom and my will to keep on living....
I opened my eyes slowly only to see the ned next to me was empty, the man that owes me is a handsome billionaire named Ace, on top of that he is a heartless, cruel mafia leader. He wasn't next to me when I woke up this morning, although sometimes he's not all that bad, I can't help but hate him, I hate how I got in this position, I hate how I was only trying to be a good friend and now look at me, pathetic....
"I see you finally woke up..." He said as soon as he walked in to the bedroom
He wore basketball shorts and a baggy loose tank top, he also was sweaty and had a towel around his neck, my guess was that he probably was working out....he has to maintain those rock hard abs of his....God kill me for having these thoughts about this man! He is so good looking, sometimes I think he was made in a dam factory, those eyes, that body, that hair.....stop it Mailo.....
"Mhh....I'm awake...." I said before looking down at my hands taking a deep breath as he walked over towards me
"You have been here for a few days now, when will you be comfortable?" He asked with a smirk
"I will never be comfortable around you!" I said crossing my arms before sitting up, running my hand through my hair....I haven't been out of this room in two days now, and every night he makes me a mess. Now because of him I wasn't able to stand on my own two feet
"Shit..." I said before stumbling
He laughed a bit before he wrapped his arm around my waist looking at me
"You can't even walk, and that is the result of me" he said with a satisfied smirk
"Wipe that smirk of your stupid face!" I said pushing him away from me slightly
"Oi....why are you so disobedient brat? Mhh? You push me off the bed, you refuse me constantly, why can't you coaparate?" He asked
"In your head is this a normal thing?! You raped me you kidnapped me practically! And now you telling me I should be coaparate!? You also took my phone I can't call anyone that I know, my parents are probably worried!" I said crossing my arms as he sighed a bit
"I do these things because you are not being long as you coaparate I will also coaparate" he said
I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms taking a seat on the bed, jumping a bit as I felt the sharp pain in my ass
"Think about it while I'm taking a shower" he said before ruffling my hair....I looked at him annoyed
"I will never coaparate with you!" I said
" have no idea how adorable you are" he said before walking in to the bathroom

I glanced at the door of the bathroom, I still had my arms crossed. He has never hurt me, he did push him self on me tho, but then again...if I hated it this much I could have easily just kicked him off of me, I couldn't allow my self tho to be nice to him, he ruined my life, he took everything away from me.
"If you coaparate with me, I will coaparate with you too"
I took a deep breath as soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he was only wearing a towel around his waist, his abs were exposed as well along with his tattoos. His upper body was also still wet from the shower he just took, which made it shine, he looked like he was sparkling, like a vampire.....blood thirsty vampire that was hungry for my blood only
"Enjoying the view?" He asked as he slightly turned towards me while he was walking to his closet, I instantly looked away with a slight blush on my cheeks
"As if...." I said
He only gave me a smile before he walked in to his closet, picking out what he wants to wear for the day. I waited for a bit untill he was fully dressed, and while he was drying off his hair I finally mastered up the courage to approach him
"So...." I said as I leaned on the door way, fixing my gaze on him
"What's on your mind?" He asked as he made eye contact with me through the mirror
"Let's say hypotheticaly I coaparate with you, I give in to you....I let you have your way....if I do that, how long do I have to stay here for?" I asked
"Until your friend pays me back, so if I were you I would corporate and you won't have a bad time with me I promise" he said
I tilted my head back as I ran my hands trough my hair again looking at him
"OI! Do you realize I'm not a toy for you to play around with? I have a job and school to worry about! I can't just stay in your bedroom all day like an animated object!" I raised my tone
He turned around to face me, he grabbed my chin in his hands as he pushed me against the wall
"I'm sorry you have to pay the price for your idiotic friend, I truly have nothing against you Mailo, in fact I like you, but I can't just let you off the hook like this....I have to torture him" he said
"But you are fucking up my life! What the hell did I ever do to you?!' I asked frustrated
"That's the sad part....that's why if you coaparate I'll make all your dreams come true....there is nothing I wouldn't do to make you more comfortable here" he said as he slowly leaned in, he placed his lips on mine, giving a soft gentle kiss that gave me shivers, bolts of lightning ran through my whole body as I couldn't help but kiss him back.
He gently pulled away after a few seconds before staring in to my eyes
"Do you have a request for lunch? What would you like to eat?" He asked
I looked away from him before turning my head away pushing him gently
"I'm not hungry" I said before walking over towards the bed pulling the covers over my head completely

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