The Last Day of School

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The last day of school arrived, and Presley felt a mix of relief and sadness wash over her. It had been a long and difficult year, but she had finally made it through.

As she walked through the halls for the final time, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for all the good times she had shared with her friends. Despite the challenges she had faced, there had been moments of joy and laughter, moments that she would always cherish.

But as she made her way to her locker one last time, her heart sank as she saw the word "FREAK" still spray-painted across the metal door. The memories of Julia and Emma's cruelty came flooding back, and Presley felt a surge of anger and sadness wash over her.

But then, to her surprise, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Emma standing there, her eyes filled with remorse.

"I'm sorry, Presley," Emma said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was wrong about you. You're not a freak. You're strong, and brave, and I admire you more than you'll ever know."

Presley was taken aback by Emma's words. She had never expected to hear an apology from her former tormentor, but now that it had come, she felt a sense of closure wash over her.

"Thank you, Emma," Presley said, her voice filled with emotion. "I forgive you."

And with that, the two girls hugged, letting go of the past and embracing the future with open hearts.

As Presley walked out of the school for the last time, she felt a sense of peace settle over her. It had been a long and difficult year, but she had come out stronger on the other side. And as she looked ahead to the future, she knew that she could face whatever challenges came her way, as long as she had her friends by her side.

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