Luo Binghe

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He lies down on the bed in the dormitory, and in a way, it all feels like a dream. He really made it to a powerful sect, and the people seem friendly too!

Sure, he hasn't spoken with many people, but Shijie, as Ning Yingying earlier told him to address her, was very kind. Shìzūn not only takes care of students but also has a pet, so he must be a responsible person.

Shixiong seemed upset with Luo Binghe, but it's very possible that he has just offended him in some way. He had been yelled at when he started to address people by name as usual.

Titles are apparently really important in a sect, and Luo Binghe has only learned the basics. While his mother tried to teach him as much as she could, Luo Binghe knows that his manners aren't nearly as good as expected from a scholar.

But despite his ignorance, Shìzūn still took him as a disciple. Luo Binghe's mother would be proud for sure, to see him accepted into Qing Jing Peak. It might feel like a dream or a delusion, but it really happened, and he's here.

He made it to the dormitories by following some shixiong whose name he doesn't know. Binghe tried to follow Ming-shixiong at first, but he must've made some mistake since Shixiong told Luo Binghe to get out of his sight.

He is a bit worried about how he'll be able to keep up with the other disciples since he can't read. Well, Luo Binghe recognizes a few characters that a nice old man in his village had taught him before passing away one winter. But reading and knowing a character or two are two entirely different things.

The bed is so soft. All the time traveling here, starved and cold, were worth it. Binghe slowly doesn't even remember closing his eyes, but he falls into a deep slumber, not even having pulled a blanket on top of himself or taking off the outer layers of his robes.


Ming Fan starts to laugh a little as he stares down at the street rat that Shìzūn had graciously brought onto the peak. Ning shimei seemed to be fine with the filth living at their sect. Shimei shouldn't be in cahoots with someone like this. This rat doesn't deserve Shìzūn's teaching.

This rat should've just known its place and gone home as soon as possible, but even by nightfall, it's still here. Should they see how long it takes this scrap eating animal to scurry home?

With a grin on his lips, Ming Fan signals for one of his friends to pour the basin of ice-cold water on the rat. They do so gladly, with a small laugh. The water pours down on the rat, and it quickly wakes up from its rest. Big, wide eyes full of surprise and confusion meet Ming Fan's.

It takes a moment for the rat to take things in, and Ming Fan decides to put it in its place meanwhile. "Listen, I don't know why you're here, why Shìzūn or Shimei would ever let you stay here, but just so you know, you're not like the rest of us. You're like a pest living among humans here, so why should we have to deal with you?"

The rat just sits still on the bed with wide eyes and an expression that he couldn't read. After a moment though, it bows its head slightly. "I'm sorry shixiongs, I've been ignorant." Somehow, it brings both satisfaction and frustration to Ming Fan when it bows its head.


Shixiongs end up storming out of the room, with his fellow disciples hurrying after him. Luo Binghe sits on the bed, shivering. He's unsure what to do, since all his bedding is wet and so are his clothes. What should he do? He needs to be his best self so he can't get sick now. Shìzūn will surely think that he's careless.

He should change out of the wet robes. If he continues sitting around like this, he'll surely get sick. Luo Binghe crawled out of bed and took off the first layer of his robes before hearing a sound, something hitting the ground behind him.

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