The peak lord meeting

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This might be a bit difficult, but Shen Qingqiu believes that he will be able to sneak Jing into the meeting and explain why Jing looks exactly like one of the beasts that kill cattle and people.

The first step is to remove the ribbon from around Jing's neck while it's sleeping. It's not that he doesn't trust Jing to stay calm, but it's better to be careful than sorry.

The next step is to remove the sealing talisman and replace it with a more carefully made one, accompanied by a concealment talisman, tie it around the neck, and there we go, just an odd-looking cat.

It's not as if the meeting is actually a super-secret one anyway. They will only be talking about some things related to the budget or how Bai Zhan disciples are too reckless with their training facilities and need replacements.

They will also plan the upcoming disciple selection, but neither of those things concerns him, so the meeting will most likely be boring, and that's why he's bringing Jing with him.

So that's the preparations done, does he need anything else? His gaze lands on some herbs on the table. Ning Yingying had brought a bag of them to the peak, saying that it's a type of treat for cats.

Would bringing treats somehow help to keep Jing calm? At first, he thought that Jing was friendly, but with it being stressed at the Warm Red Pavilion and biting Ming Fan, he can't be sure.In a way, it makes him happy that Jing might be this nice only to him. It makes him glad.

With a sigh, he grabs the herbs from the table and picks up the resting mooncoon, who wakes up with a surprised meow when being lifted. Jing looks up at him with a slightly more relaxed look and meows. Huh, since when did Jing become so cute in his opinion?

With Jing in his arms, he walked out of the bamboo house and unsheathed Xiu Ya. He could walk and arrive late, but that would just cause too much annoying drama.


He was initially very confused about where Shen Qingqiu was bringing him, but this is just too good to be true! The monthly peak lord meetings were somewhat mentioned in the novel.

Attending one is really good for him since he has had a hard time getting information while on Qing Jing Peak. It's a bit ironic, actually, since it's the scholarly peak.

The building where the meeting is held is quite well-made, which is expected of the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. When they entered the meeting room, they were among the last ones to enter. Only Liu Qingge and Shang Qinghua were missing.

Immediately, Shen Yuan received some weird looks, but that's expected when seeing Shen Qingqiu carrying a cat around. A few looked suspicious of him but didn't say anything, but Yue Qingyuan was just straight-up glaring at him.

Well, I guess it makes sense since he is the only one who knows that I'm not actually a cat, but still, can't you leave your shidi's pet beast alone?

His line of thought was cut off by Shen Qingqiu taking a seat at the table, and Shen Yuan is unable to see Yue Qingyuan from where he was lying on Shen Qingqiu's lap.

The next person to come into the room was the War God of Bai Zhan Peak, Liu Qingge. He marched to his seat and stayed quiet.

He looked around but didn't even seem to notice Shen Yuan, who was lying on Shen Qingqiu. His gaze settled on Yue Qingyuan. Neither Shen Qingqiu nor Liu Qingge seemed fond of eachother.

It wasn't until the An Ding peak lord entered and stared at Shen Yuan with wide-eyed astonishment for a while that Liu Qingge noticed Shen Yuan.

To say that the war god was a little surprised is an understatement. He was openly angry.

"Shen Qingqiu, why have you brought a beast to the meeting!? Honestly, aren't all the other shameful things you do enough already?" Liu Qingge scoffed. Qi Qingqi hummed thoughtfully.

"The thought crossed my mind, but I didn't sense an abnormal amount of qi, so I dismissed it. However, I would indeed like to know why you have brought an animal to the meeting." Qi Qingqi quickly jumps onto shaming Shen Qingqiu.

"It's a rare cat breed that I bought recently. They come from overseas, from the east. Of course, someone like you wouldn't know that, Liu-shidi."

The sentence was polite in a way, but it was more than clear that it was mocking. Yue Qingyuan didn't look very fond of the current situation.

"Uhm, Shen-Shixiong, may I ask who sold you the cat?" Shang Qinghua asked nervously while still looking at Shen Yuan with a bewildered expression. Seriously, has this person not seen a cat before?


So the situation at the moment is that Shen Qingqiu has a cat, and he never wrote about a villain with a cat in the novel. So either this cat or the one that sold this cat might be a person like him, someone who got thrown into his novel!

"I acquired it from a certain merchant that I have a connection with," Shen Qingqiu stated, his gaze landing on him, and well, his stare wasn't described as cold and hateful in the novel for nothing.

"I see," it made him nervous, so he redirected his gaze to the cat that was resting on the villain's lap. It's pretty cute. It has blue eyes and brown fur with a light underbelly and paws.

"Well, today we'll be discussing some things related to our budget for the next season and disciple selection. If there are any other topics that you have for this meeting, we can discuss them at the end of the meeting,"

Yue Qingyuan finally intervened, breaking up the squabbling peak lords.

The rest of the meeting went quite well, in his opinion. He even learned when the disciple selection would be held, which is when Luo Binghe would be arriving at the Qing Jing Peak.

There's a bit over a month until the disciple selection, so it will basically be happening after the next monthly peak lord meeting.

At some point, Shen Qingqiu sneaked something under the table to him while Shang Qinghua was talking to Liu Qingge about something. He didn't think much of it, so he gave it a sniff, and the feeling that followed was pure euphoria.

At that point, he didn't care about what the peak lords were talking about or much else. The sense of happiness was just so inviting that, in a way, he wasn't even controlling his actions.


Honestly, he didn't expect Jing to have such a strong reaction to the herb that Ning Yingying had bought, but it's adorable. Maybe he should order more; it's something called Nepeta cataria.

At the moment, Jing is rolling around and purring loudly on his lap, and it's more than just adorable; it's maybe the cutest thing he has seen. Even when the meeting ends, Jing is still purring very loudly.

He wouldn't have minded just petting Jing for the rest of the evening while it's still like that, but unfortunately, Yue Qingyuan wanted to have a talk with him. So he put down Jing, who followed him with dilated pupils.


Unlike Shen Qingqiu, Yue Qingyuan seems to be in a rather bad mood. "What are you thinking? First, you decide to keep a beast as a pet, and then you bring it around with you everywhere? Keeping a beast around is simply not safe!" Although there was anger in his voice, Yue Qingyuan was concerned.

"Do you honestly think that I can't handle one beast!? Is that how little you think of me?" Shen Qingqiu asked with dislike in his voice. "But you sleep with it around, don't you? What if it attacks when you're sleeping?" Yue Qingyuan argued back.

A silence followed that statement. Eventually, Shen Qingqiu answered, "...Jing wouldn't do that." That didn't seem to calm Yue Qingyuan down. "How on earth could you know that?" Another silence followed; Shen Qingqiu didn't answer.

Eventually, Yue Qingyuan spoke again. "You could've just bought an actual cat. I mean-" "Stay out of my business," Shen Qingqiu cut him off. "Jing isn't even dangerous. Would you prefer that I go and get myself a demon?"

Yue Qingyuan finally stopped talking, but when Shen Qingqiu turned around to pick up Shen Yuan, the mooncoon wasn't there.
A summary is that Shen Yuan goes to a meeting, does drugs(catnip) and gets lost while on those drugs.

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