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It's been three and half weeks since the reveal now and Jing turning out to be a person was actually better than what he had imagined it to be.

Maybe it's because of how long he has been alone or surrounded by people who don't care about him and whom he doesn't care about.

He hasn't felt this kind of attachment to almost anyone. Well, Qi-ge is one. If Xiao-Yuan were to leave, he's not even sure what he'd do, but Xiao Yuan can't leave. He won't leave.

He wouldn't have known it when he was alone, but waking up and knowing that there's someone there just for him-it's a feeling that's hard to describe with words, but maybe the closest thing is comfort.

That didn't mean that everything had been going smoothly, though. Xiao-Yuan had become annoyingly insistent on him changing his teaching style.

It never gets physical, but most of the time Xiao-Yuan refuses to speak to him after those disputes.

It made him want to destroy the source of the disagreement, but he doubts that hurting the disciples is the way to solve the problem. The best he can do is leave Xiao-Yuan in the bamboo house during the lessons.

There's also another problem that has emerged. Xiao-Yuan is very sure that he wants to cultivate with a sword, and while yes, Shen Qingqiu does want him to be safe, but he doesn't want Yuan out there fighting people.

It's not even that he doesn't believe Xiao-Yuan to be capable of learning it. It just makes him feel uneasy.

So here they are, staring at each other and once again disagreeing on the matter of which cultivation path Xiao-Yuan should take. In his opinion, musical cultivation is more suited for Xiao-Yuan anyways.

"It's hard to get you a sword since you're not an actual disciple." It's technically a lie because that's not the actual reason he's not giving Xiao-Yuan a sword. "Then can't you just make me an official disciple, ? You're the peak lord, aren't you? I can hide what I am well enough."

There are also a few reasons why he doesn't want Xiao-Yuan to be an official disciple. First of all, it's because he's aware of the bullying that would commence if Yuan were to be left out by others, and secondly, Xiao-Yuan is already too friendly with them.

"That's too risky, Xiao Yuan. You know what would happen if you were caught? A shapeshifting beast on the peak wouldn't get any mercy from others."

Yuan sighed and looked away for a second. Then, he looked back at him with a pleading expression that felt odd to see on a face that resembled him so much. "Can't we just take the risk, please Jiu-ge?"


His pleading didn't seem to accomplish much, as Shen Jiu just scoffed and looked away. Honestly, what's the point of transmigrating into a cultivation novel if you can't even fly around and look cool with a sword?

It's not that he was discriminating against musical cultivation; it's also cool, but he wanted to learn the flashy and cool cultivation more.

He's not even sure how musical cultivation works. Most characters in PIDW used other weapons. There were a few of Luo Binghe's wives who used it, though.

Then there were a few characters from other novels that came to mind but he can't fully remember, since it's been a long time since he read the novels.

But Airplane seemed too busy writing papapa scenes to delve deeper into the cultivation style. Even those characters knew how to use a weapon in cultivation though!

"No, you will not use a sword. End of discussion. You should pick an instrument to play," Shen Jiu declared, throwing a scroll over to him. Inside it was a list of different instruments.

He sighed in a sulking manner and looked over at Shen Jiu, who, true to his word, wasn't going to keep arguing about it. He should probably just accept it since this topic had been resurfacing recently. Cultivation is cool regardless of the type.

What makes him incredibly annoyed, though, is the way Shen Jiu smiles slightly when he doesn't argue back.

He finally takes a proper look at the list and notices that Shen Jiu has written short descriptions under each of the instruments. It would be thoughtful if Shen Jiu weren't forcing it on him in the first place.

Most of the instruments seem inconvenient to carry around, so he'll probably pick one of the flutes. But he's still bummed about not getting a sword, so he'll just take a look at the instruments later.

He threw the list aside with a sigh and changed into his mooncoon form. Honestly, he'd prefer staying in human form all the time, but it's hard to circulate qi while keeping up anither form.

When he first woke up as a beast, he honestly thought that it would be horrible, but these beasts are definitely more suited for cultivation than humans are. Beasts can circulate qi even without the lotus position. Makes life easy.

He can shapeshift anyways, so this is definitely better than being a human. The only problem is that if anyone finds out what he is, they will probably try to kill him.

He was planning on spending the rest of the evening circulating qi and meditating, but out of nowhere, Shen Jiu decides to lean over and pull Shen Yuan so that he's settled laying on Shen Jiu.

Honestly, can this guy be any more of a bother?

It's not like he can't do it there, but meditation requires peace and concentration. Having Shen Jiu breathing down his neck is a little distracting, to say the least.

He tries to wriggle away, but that doesn't do much since Shen Jiu just holds him down with one hand.

Shen Yuan doesn't try again, as it'll probably just be another failure and will only amuse Shen Jiu.

It is a bit strange, though, the way Shen Qingqiu is acting. In the months that he has spent with the man, he has learned that Shen Qingqiu is quite different from what's described in the novel, but it's still odd how close they've become.

Shen Qingqiu doesn't seem to keep many people close, and by that he means none at all.

I doubt that I would have even gotten this close if he hadn't thought of me just as a beast.

I would've puplished this on last sunday but I got ill and honestly most of this chapter has been written poorly becouse I forgot half of the stuff I was supposed to write becouse of being sick and yeah. Sorry.

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