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When Shen Yuan woke up, the first thing he noticed was that Shen Qingqiu was still holding him very tightly. Shouldn't people relax once they're asleep? It almost hurts how tight he is holding him. He doesn't move away though; he just wiggles a bit to get into a more comfortable positon.

That's not the thing he is worried about, though. What he really is concerned and confused by is Shen Qingqiu's behavior last night. The peak lord is odd, per se. There's so much more to him than the Shen Qingqiu that was described in the novel.

Sure, he is aggressive, proud, and arrogant, but there's more to him than what was seen from Luo Binghe's viewpoint. Shen Qingqiu was afraid and anxious. Knowing his eventual fate, it's hard not to sympathize with Shen Qingqiu.

Maybe he can somehow prevent it from happening. Could he somehow stop Luo Binghe from entering Qing Jing Peak in the first place?

[Luo Binghe entering Qing Jing Peak is mandatory. The user also shouldn't interfere with the story until the error is fixed.]

He doesn't have any more time to think about it as he feels Shen Qingqiu shifting and waking up next to him. It makes him worry a bit. Shen Qingqiu was quite upset last night, but somehow it didn't seem directed at him.

So maybe Shen Qingqiu didn't find out that he had escaped. But the fact that Shen Qingqiu was going out with his sword, looking like he'll kill someone, doesn't exactly reassure him.

Shen Qingqiu sits up, pulling Shen Yuan along with an inaudible yawn. He does seem to be more relaxed compared to last night, but there's still some gloominess in his demeanor. Honestly, he isn't sure what Shen Qingqiu is thinking about at the moment.

The peak lord stares down at him with a slightly concerned gaze suddenly and stands up, Shen yuan still in his arms. Shen Qingqiu sighed and walked over to a cabinet where he kept raw meat.

Usually, raw meat shouldn't be kept in such a warm place, but there are talismans inside for temperature regulation.

Now that he thinks about it, Shen Qingqiu didn't feed him last night. Shen Yuan himself didn't notice either because he was too distracted by Shen Qingqiu's sudden mental breakdown. He is feeling a bit hungry now that he noticed.

Shen Qingqiu adjusted him in his arms so that he now holds Shen Yuan with one arm and then grabbed some meat, that Shen Yuan isn't quite sure what it is. If he had to say, it was probably sheep meat.

Shen Qingqiu brought it to his face. The whole situation is uncomfortable with the way Shen Qingqiu is trying to hold and feed him at the same time. Why is he like this? Usually Shen Qingqiu wouldn't be so clingly. Just what happened last night?

After struggling to eat while being held, the morning proceeded quite casually, except for the fact that Shen Qingqiu didn't let go of him. It wasn't until Ming Fan knocked on the door of the bamboo house that Shen Qingqiu's behavior became odd again.

Shen Yuan assumes that the head disciple is there to do some paperwork since a portion of it is his responsibility, but for some reason, Shen Qingqiu looks angry.

Usually, it's a bit hard to read Shen Qingqiu's emotions with his usual cold demeanor, but Shen Yuan can tell that at the moment, Shen Qingqiu is more or less upset with Ming Fan.

Why would Shen Qingqiu be upset with Ming Fan? Sure, the disciple is arrogant and a bully, but according to the novel, he respected and obeyed his Shìzūn. Did this kind of conflict happen before Luo Binghe arrived at the peak?

"You may come in," Shen Qingqiu called out, holding Shen Yuan closer. When the head disciple entered, he glared coldly at Ming Fan, who, upon seeing this, bowed his head. Shen Qingqiu continued glaring even after Ming Fan greeted him. Ming Fan's eyes widened slightly when he saw Shen Yuan.

Finally, after an intense silence, Shen Qingqiu spoke. "You had a bite mark on your arm years ago. How did you get it?" How on earth did that relate to this?

Why would Shen Qingqiu be upset at Ming Fan for being bitten? The bitemark wasn't even there anymore. Shen Yuan looked up at Shen Qingqiu with a confused expression that couldn't be portrayed on the face of a mooncoon.

"Ah, your cat was in the library, and seeing that you weren't around, I tried to capture and return it, but it bit me and ran away when I was distracted," Ming Fan explained quickly.

"I'm sorry," he added with an uncertain tone of voice, as if he didn't know what he was apologizing for.

"And you weren't the one that let him out?" Shen Qingqiu asked again. "No, Shìzūn," Ming Fan hurried to answer.

For a moment Shen Qingqiu watched Ming Fan with doubt, but when Shen Yuan meowed, distracting him from his thoughts, he sighed. "There's no need for you to do any of the usual chores today, get out."


As Ming Fan left the house, he started thinking once again, his fingers brushing through Jing's fluffy fur in a repeating motion.

If Ming Fan wasn't the one who let Jing out, then who was? Maybe Jing got out on its own terms? Would it be able to figure out how to open a window or a door?

The thought of Jing digging through one of the walls did cross his mind, but it's a bit unrealistic. That would mean that it was intelligent enough to hide.

Of course, he wasn't entirely convinced that Ming Fan hadn't let Jing out, but Jing didn't look shocked or panicked from seeing Ming Fan, so maybe the disciple really didn't let Jing out.

If there was someone at the peak who was entering his house without permission and messing with his things, that could be a big problem not only for the Qing Jing peak but also for the whole sect, since he is the strategist.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Jing yawning with a small sound. He sighed and scratched Jing under its chin. Jing closed its eyes and slightly leaned into the touch.

Should he just bring Jing to the peak lord's meeting? Sure, Yue Qingyuan was able to tell that Jing wasn't a cat, but if he made a concealing talisman to go along with the sealing one, then they probably wouldn't notice.

A slight smile tugged at his lips. At first, it was just a thought, but bringing Jing to the meeting can't be that hard, can it?
Oh my god so many people have seen this, hi! You can find me on ao3 with the name stremier. The fic is the same but the spelling for the first few chapters is better there.

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