Drinking Or Drowning

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A/N: you're Sarah's twin, you and JJ have been enemies forever.

I've decided to throw a party for the ending of school. Our last day of sophomore year is this upcoming Friday and I couldn't be happier. I've always hated school— although I have straight A's and almost perfect attendance.

Maybe, that's why me and JJ Maybank have always despised each other. We both hate school, but ever since we were little kids— he would make fun of me for being the teachers pet. He doesn't even know me.

Speaking of JJ Maybank, he and his friends are walking through the door right now. Sarah and me used to be best friends with Kie. One day, Kie and Sarah stopped being friends, and I wanted to be loyal to my sister, so I stopped being friends with her, also.

My eyes flicker up and down JJ's body. He is wearing black cargo shorts with a black button up, which he of course left un-bottomed to show off his defined abs.

Classic JJ.

I make my way over to him. "Why are you here?" I sharply ask as I glare at him.

"Well, I'm here to celebrate the last week of school, which makes me wonder why you're here. You know, considering your love for school." JJ smirks as he stares down at me.

"Good one." I sarcastically smile.

"Your outfit is really nice, Yn." Kie compliments, diverting my attention away from JJ.

Even though me and Kie aren't friends, we still are nice to each other. She's probably one of the bestest friends I've ever had. That's certainly something I can't deny.

"Awe, thanks." I smile sincerely, looking down at my outfit. I'm wearing a tight, long, white skirt that shows off my waist. It's also paired with a pretty and small bikini top.

"Of course." She nods before walking over to the drinks table.

"Have fun with your enemy." John B grins as he lightly hits JJ's shoulder.

"Yeah, good luck." Pope snickers before him and John B walk away.

"Nice of you to show up. Now, stay out my sight." I hiss as I look up at him with absolute hatred.

"It's a free country, let alone a free island. And you're a kook, so I guess everything in your life goes your way, which means you wouldn't know anything about rights." JJ fires back, acting like he's above all for being anyone but me.

"I know many things about rights, which is why I should tell you to get the fuck off my property, but you unfortunately wouldn't give a shit because you don't listen to the rules." I retort harshly before backing away, a satisfied look on my face as I watch JJ try to hide his anger.

I walk outside and over to Rafe and his friends. I look down in disgust as I watch one of his friends snort some white powder off of the glass table.

"Rafe, why is your friend smudging the table with illegal substances?" I ask, causing Rafe to look up in surprise.

Of course, I couldn't give two shits about that table. It's the fact that Rafe is putting that absolute waste into his body, which could fuck up his thinking in the long run.

"Yn, want some?" One of Rafe's dumbass friends ask before Rafe can even open his mouth.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I flash him a tight lipped smile. "You can do whatever you please but don't do it in my range of earshot." I snap as I glance at Rafe, who's looking down at the table.

"Rafe, your sister's a real bitch." Another wasted guy speaks up with a smirk.

"The fuck did you just say to me?" I immediately ask, staring at the boy as if my eyes can burn right through him.

The unnamed boy stands up, acting like he owns this house, and me. "You heard me. I called you a bitch. Are you not?" The boy slowly says, his face inches away from mine.

"No, I'm not actually. The only one that is an unliked name is you, and that's an unintelligent fuckup of a son." I seethe, my hand yearning to roll up into a fist.

"Alright, pipe down you dick-sucking slut." The boy sneers as he shoves me forcefully. I hear people gasp as I feel myself fall backwards and into the pool behind me.

When I was five, Sarah fell into the pool and started to drown. I jumped in after her and managed to help her, which resulted in me becoming unresponsive and getting rushed to the hospital. Ever since then, I've hated the water. It's ironic given the fact that I live right on the coast of the Atlantic.

I feel the waters pressure against my ears. I start to panic and thrash around, causing water to go into my mouth and down my throat.

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