Chapter 23-The Magu's Gambit

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In the aftermath of Shadowy's ruthless attack, Emblue and Boxy remained unconscious, their forms sprawled upon the forest floor like fallen heroes of old. But even in their slumber, their allies refused to yield to despair.

The Ribbomb, his resolve shaken by the sudden appearance of their enigmatic savior, recoiled in disbelief at the sight before him. "It-it can't be..." he stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

But before he could utter another word, the Magu stepped forward, his gaze steely and determined. "OH YEAH. IT CAN BE," he declared, his voice ringing with unwavering confidence.

Summoning forth the power of the Mabiki, the Magu called upon the four different types of warriors – the shaman, the attacker, the defender, and the archer. With a swift motion, he invoked his Extract Experiment, channeling their weapons into formidable instruments of destruction.

The shaman's staff, ablaze with a vibrant blue flame, transformed into a pulsating hue of purple, mirroring the Magu's own aura. And as the other weapons followed suit, they grew in size and strength, ready to unleash their fury upon their foes.

With a mighty cry, the Magu set his plan into motion, his arm movements guiding the newly-forged weapons in a deadly dance of destruction. The spear whirled through the air like a cyclone, its razor-sharp edge slicing through the Ribbomb's defenses with ease.

"Spear Spin Drill!" the Magu bellowed, his voice echoing through the forest as the weapon hurtled towards its target, sending the Ribbomb hurtling through the air.

But the assault did not end there. As the Ribbomb soared skyward, a barrage of arrows rained down upon him from all sides, each shot expertly aimed and perfectly timed.

"Multi-Angled Arrows!" the Magu commanded, his voice a thunderous roar as the projectiles found their mark, raining down upon their foe with unrelenting fury.

As the Ribbomb lay unconscious upon the forest floor, Shadowy himself found himself ensnared by the Magu's masterful strategy. A mighty barrier rose up before him, a formidable barricade that threatened to crush him beneath its weight.

"Barrier Barricade!" the Magu cried, his voice a clarion call as the shield swept towards Shadowy, trapping him within its unyielding embrace.

But even as victory seemed within their grasp, Shadowy's dark powers proved formidable. With a swift motion, he teleported behind the Magu, his foot lashing out with devastating force.

The Magu was sent sprawling to the ground, his body battered and bruised, but his spirit undaunted. With his allies at his side and justice as his guide, he would rise again to face whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to defend the forest and protect those who called it home.

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