Chapter 13-Unexpected Encounters

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Chapter 13 - Unexpected Encounter

As Boxy, Frosty, and Emblue bid farewell to the kind old couple who had offered them shelter and guidance, they set out once more on their journey, their hearts light with newfound hope and determination. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape as they ventured forth into the unknown.

Their path led them through fields of golden wheat and meadows filled with wildflowers, the air alive with the sound of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. But their peaceful journey was soon interrupted by the sudden appearance of two strange figures on the horizon.

"What's that?" Frosty exclaimed, his brow furrowed in confusion as he squinted against the glare of the sun. Boxy and Emblue followed his gaze, their eyes widening in surprise as they beheld the unexpected sight before them.

A cactus-like Etherian stood tall and proud, his spiky green limbs casting sharp shadows on the ground below. By his side stood a smaller creature, its feline features marked by a mischievous glint in its eyes as it surveyed the newcomers with keen interest.

"Who goes there?" Boxy called out, his voice ringing clear across the open expanse of the field. The cactus-like Etherian and his companion approached cautiously, their movements slow and deliberate as they drew nearer.

"I'm Friend, and this is my companion, Kyo," the cactus-like Etherian replied, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "We are travelers, much like yourselves, seeking adventure and new experiences wherever they may be found."

Boxy nodded, his smile warm and welcoming as he gestured for them to join their group. "Well met, Friend and Kyo. We would be honored to have you accompany us on our journey."

And so, with their unexpected encounter behind them, Boxy, Frosty, and Emblue welcomed Friend and Kyo into their midst, eager to share the road ahead with their newfound companions. Together, they ventured forth into the great unknown, their hearts filled with excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited them.

A cactus named Friend:Prophecy of The Blood Moon(Monsters of Etheria)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora