Sailfish Eleven

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His seal deserved one heck of a time out!

He was definitely planning to put him in one, too, but when he felt warmth flooding through his odd bond with Cassius, he couldn't bring himself to reprimand the brat again.

"Sorry, my seal got too excited and sometimes bites when he's playing," he said, lying a tiny bit.

His seal did get too excited, but it rarely bit anyone when playing. It did love to headbutt, though.

"It's fine, I don't mind at all. He's a sweetheart," Cass said as he continued swimming, moving a little slower than before.

Sailor decided to just focus on what he needed to do, not wanting to talk anymore about his embarrassing mistake.

They ended up swimming for another thirty minutes or so before Sailor had to tap out. In fact, by the time he was helped out of the pool his foot was aching pretty badly. The pain was nothing like it used to be, though, so he was planning to power through it... until he was picked up halfway to the locker room!

He was just opening his mouth to grumble about it, but simply ended up sighing. Complaining would do nothing, especially since he was in a decent amount of pain when he tried to walk right then.

Thus, he kept quiet and let Cassius help him to the locker room, then out of his borrowed swim trunks and back into his regular clothing after he dried himself off... much to the disagreement of Cassius's grumpy thoughts.

He couldn't help but smile at the man's mind, however, because he could even hear a tone of voice coming through now. It was honestly pretty cute. Especially since the man himself was all smiles, pretending that he didn't mind being told that he couldn't help him dry off.

Once they were ready to head out he was returned to Cass's back, because he refused to be carried like a princess again.

That's how they ended up back in his room... with him nearly asleep and barely hanging on.

In fact, he was honestly more than half asleep when they entered the room, his cheek resting against Cass's left shoulder. Well, he was half asleep until he felt something suddenly dart around his mind, startling himself and his seal!

Splash was more awake than him at that moment, so he quickly began barking an alarm as Sailor blinked out of his daze and lifted his head, confused.

What was that?

Splash was head-banging like a drunk audience at a heavy metal concert as he continued to bark, not offering a hint of information about what had set him off.

Sailor was about to say something when he felt a shiver dart down his left arm, tap his fingers from the inside, then bolt back to his chest!

Splash seemed to look down at the same time, as if trying to follow whatever was darting through his body, but it was clear that it was way too fast for his dopy seal to see properly.

Whatever it was, it was now swimming around inside his chest, sending little chills through his system every few moments, as if it was lowering his body temperature over time.

"Sai? Can you hear me?" Cassius said, snapping Sailor out of his thoughts, but just barely.

Feeling a little dizzy, Sailor looked up, not even having noticed when he'd been set down on his bed.

"Y-yes," he said, his teeth chattering from the constant chills sweeping through his body.

He was about to ask what was happening, but his words were cut off from surprise as Cassius pressed his hands to either side of his face.

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