Sailfish Ten

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He was going to cry.

Now he had no one to help him get out of the tub safely, and with his luck...

I can't even call Reed cause my phone is still on my nightstand.

Okay, he was crying now, hunched up and hugging his legs to his chest as he pressed his forehead against his knees.

He'd already been embarrassed enough having to rely on Cassius while he'd been completely naked, yet the guy had run off after he'd just repeated what he'd thought he'd heard!

Wiping at his damp eyes, Sailor looked over the edge of the tub, then carefully turned his body so that he could get up on one knee.


He could keep his foot above the floor of the tub that way, but it definitely wasn't comfortable!

Just need to get out, then I can scoot across the floor.

With as much determination as he could muster, he pulled himself up and onto the ledge of the tub. He really wasn't the strongest, so that, along with the current stress of the situation, had his arms shaking from the effort.

By the time he was sitting on the edge he was panting from exertion and pain.

Stupid Cassius, he internally grumbled as he forced himself to continue moving.

Carefully, he slid down to the tile floor, shivering as the chill quickly cooled his butt. With a shaky hand he reached up and grabbed a new clean towel and managed to wrap it around his waist well enough.

Alright, now I just have to slowly scoot towards the bed.

He was just starting inch forward when he heard his door suddenly swing open so hard that it smacked the wall.

That wasn't what his focus stayed on, though.


The guy was back, and looked quite upset as he stood in his bathroom doorway, panting as if he'd just run a mile.

They stared at each other in silence for nearly a minute before Cassius walked over and promptly picked him up, then carried him over.

r me?

Sailor pursed his lips as he was carefully set down on the edge of his bed. Cassius then got busy changing the blankets so that he wasn't going to lie down on the same ones he'd sweat on.

—you hear me?

Sailor continued to keep his lips sealed, fighting back more tears.

Can you hear me?

Sailor refused to respond. Cassius had scared him enough with his first reaction, he wouldn't reply to the strange thoughts he was somehow slipping into his mind.

Instead, he watched Cassius in silence until the man's worried expression slowly relaxed and he helped him into a pair of shorts, then began carefully bandaging his foot.

"I'm really sorry I overreacted before. I haven't slept well recently and I think I'm starting to hear things," Cassius eventually said, earning a simple nod from Sailor as he tried to get more comfortable against his pillows.

When he still refused to speak, Cassius sighed and dismissed himself... but was stopped at the door when Reed walked in.

Face immediately lighting up at the sight of his brother, Sailor pushed himself up a little and waited impatiently for Reed to set his backpack down and walk over for a hug.

Sailfish-(mxm) (Rever Series Seven)Where stories live. Discover now