chapter 5

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I hear what ya saying, bitch. Your saying why is there another chapter when in the last chapter I finally told you about my saying which is what this story is all about. Well, that death wasn’t the death I was on about bitch. Well, I died twice. I didn’t think it was possible either.  But it happened. I died twice.

A couple of days after my first death, I woke up in a cell all alone. It was darkness. I couldn’t see anything but I could hear everything. The dripping of water. The screams of pain. From that alone, I knew where I was. I was in the dungeon of the hell castle. I didn’t know how I got there at first or how I was alone. But I was soon visited by someone and he told me everything I needed to know.


Remy was sat in his cell, trying to block out the sounds of screaming and water dripping when he heard a new sound. A sound of a malice being pulled alone many metal bars. As the sound got closer and louder, the person making the sound started singing a small tune. “Living people eat dead mushrooms. Dead mushrooms eat dead people. And I’m off to see a dead person”.

As he finishes his song, he lands outside the bars of Remy’s. “Hello dead person”. Remy raises an eye brow at the green dude “bitch I’m clearly alive. I’m here talking to you” but this just caused Remus to laugh “no. Your dead. Your dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.”  

“Bitch, you need to go get your brain tested. If I was dead, how would I be here”

“you’re a Poltergeist trapped in an electric cell only here because I own you’


“I didn’t want my plaything to be gone so I made you a Poltergeist”

“Fuck you, Remus!”

“Oo yes people but first, I’m a hungry mushroom man and you’re a dead person”



I don’t know how long I stayed with that bitch. I was locked on that room so long. I was going crazy. But I couldn’t do anything, I was stuck in that cell, with him, going crazy.  

But then one day that was an explosion in the castle. All the guards left to go sort it out. But the explosions caused all the cells to unlock. All us prisons were able to run off. We were able to escape. We were able to be free again.

The first thing I did as a free man was get a huge glass of coffee. I needed my coffee. It’s my power source. My baby. I needed my coffee before I could do anything else. So, I got my coffee. Once I was powered up on coffee, I decided to visit all my friends and sure they were safe but revealing myself wouldn’t make them safe. So, I make myself invisible.

First, I visited Logan and Virgil. Because of this visit, people say I hate Logan and Virgil. I don’t hate them. I did all these things because I care for them. I don’t hate them. I’m going to set the record gay. I didn’t let Virgil’s cat and spider, put the back because I hate him. Midnight and Marcus are fine. I have been feeding them behind the shed. I didn’t flush Logan’s and Virgil’s medication before they could take them because I hate him. I was pretty panicked when I thought the toilet was going to flood though. I didn’t erase Logan’s Astronomy homework because I hate him. He got to see the cute librarian boy he is crushing on, anyway. I didn’t unplug Virgil’s phone before he left for the skate park because I hate him. I did it so no one could track him. I didn’t use the faulty outlet in the living room because I hate Virgil and Logan. I really don’t hate them. The fire didn’t kill Virgil and Logan because Virgil didn’t have to come back for Midnight. Virgil and Logan weren’t sleeping dye to their medication. Logan was at the library doing his report. I didn’t let their house burn to the grown because I hate them. I did it so Roman wouldn’t find them and kill them like he killed me. I had to keep them safe.

I had to make sure they were safe before I could visit anyone else.

But once they were safe, I went and visited Emile and Patton. They were hiding away in a human city in England called Wakefield. They were safe. I was the only one who knew where they were.  But they were safe.

Next, I visited Critic. I had things I needed to say to him. Especially after I found him walking out of King Janus’s office. I needed to talk to him. So, I made myself appear in front of him but that just caused an argument.


“Sup Bitch”

“Remy? h-how is this possible?  we watched you die”

“No, you left me to die. You talked down on me then lifted me”

“Remy I ha-“

“Do you really want to know how I’m a Poltergeist?”


“If I show you, then you have to promise not tell anyone what I say”

“I promise”


So, I told Critic everything. The bitch said he wouldn’t tell anyone and that we needed to stop this war. Only one of these things was true. As soon as we found Emile and Patton to make a plan, the bitch told them everything about how I was alive. I don’t trust him anymore. But I had to work with him because I needed this war to end so Virgil and Logan could stay safe. So, we made a plan as a four to stop the war without including the war. We all agreed on the war but I had just one thing I had to do before I went straight into the middle of the war.

 I had to say goodbye to Virgil.

So, I went to the new home of Virgil and Logan. I made myself visible in front of Virgil. But it was all too much. I never should have visited him. I should have left him to believe I died and stayed died the first time. Now I can never see him again.


“I watched you die”

“I heard you cry every night in your sleep”

“I was so young”

 “I should have known better than to get close to you”

“I missed you Remy”

“I missed you to but I only came back to say goodbye forever”

“What no? You can’t lea- “

“Bye bitch”


I just left him.

I couldn’t handle it anymore.

But I should have stayed with him.

I could still be ‘alive’ if I stayed with him.

But I didn’t and now I’m stuck in this void.

After I left Virgil, I went to the meeting place where the four of us were meant to start the plan. But they betrayed me. They started a different plan. I plan I wasn’t involved in. The three had their own plan.  The three had started something else. But what the three had done, had worked because of peace treaty was happening.

But I wasn’t in the room where it happened.

 I wasn't in the room where it happened.

Only Critic, Roman, Remus and Janus were in the room where it happened.

But we all know that it happened.

 I wanted to be in the room where it happened.

But I wasn’t allowed. I had stay outside the room and wait. I waited for what seemed like ages. But I wish it was longer now.  Because as soon as they walked out of the room with the peace treaty in place.   Remus let my soul go. He had no choice, the son of a bitch known as critic put it in the clause.

He let my soul go.

 And that’s how I died for the second time.

And that’s why I’m trapped in the void.

And that’s why I’m coffeeless.

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