chapter 1

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So you bitches don’t want to go to sleep and instead want to stay up reading. If your going to stay up, why read instead of going to a party? No your still insisting of a story. Fine. I’ll tell you the story of how I died. Well if you count what happened to me as dying. Can Demon’s actually die? I don’t have enough coffee to have that crisis. I’ll leave that to Logan.

I guess before I begin. I better give you some information so you can understand or whatever.

Sup girl, I’m Remy, demon born, fighter, solider and coffee addict, you know the usual. You fuckers are about to learn about all my trauma. But whatever you do, keep in mind. The rulers are not people you should care about. The rulers caused this. The rulers caused everything.

My lord! You trust the gods? Like you really trust them? You have not had enough coffee. You trust the gods even though we never know what the gods discussed.

One minute the two afterlives were at piece. Never interacting with each other than the ruler meetings but then.  Click boom, the war began. But no one else was there when the war began. We just know that it had began.

The great never ending war between Haven and Hell.

Demon soldiers against Angel soldiers.

I never understand why people joined the war.  What did they tell them to get them to sell their soul to the war? Didn't King Janus or the twin rulers tell them the injures they'd get from joining?

I never joined willingly. I was created to be a solider. To be the twin rulers weapon. To fight the angels and never back angels. The chains around my neck show that I am owned by the twin rulers. I have been in many battles. Not all of them were won by hell. But I always came out badly injured. 

And by the time of this stories beginning, there was no way I will ever be fixed again and that was before I died. One of my brown wings were ripped out of my back. Never to grow again. Both my horns are snapped off, only leaving stubs. I have to hide the stubs under a black beanie at all costs. I have scars all over my body. I have only one eyes but those are hidden under my sun glasses.

At the time of my death, I was 1600 years old (16 in what you call years). I was so tired. I was done.

I’m glad I died.

He'll? heaven? naa coffeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora