chapter 3

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When I got back to my hut that night, I tried to make myself a coffee only to realise there was still a coffee shortage. Oh how I miss coffee. Why couldn’t I die with it still in my hand? Bitch had to kill me when I had no coffee. If I could, I would go kill the bitch for that alone. Though I’m kind of glad I didn’t have a coffee when I got to my hut because I would have split it everywhere and I wasted a good cup of coffee. After I realised I had no coffee, I started to feel wired. At first I thought it was because of the lack of coffee. But then I started to feel tingly. Then POP! I was no longer I’m my hut.


Remy landed on the floor with a thud/splash. Underneath him was a pentagram that was covered in cold, spilled coffee. Remy looked up to see he was sat in a messy bedroom room.  The walls were purple, the carpet was black. On the walls were different posters: Disney, Tim Burton, P!ATD, Twenty-one pilots and more. There was a brown desk in the cover of the room that was covered in books of the afterlife’s, demons, angels, summoning demons and other stuff like that. At the other side of the room was a bed with spider themed bedding. Next the bed was a cage with a spider inside. Remy slowly sits up as he heard voices outside the door.

“How was work?”

“It was fine. I’m going to my room”

“dinner will be ready in an hour, Virgil”

“Yeah whatever, Logan”

The door to the bedroom creaked open as a guy around 19 walks in. The boy was wearing a black hooded jacket (unzipped), with purple-and-black plaid patches sewn on. Underneath the jacket, he was wearing a purple dyed, long sleeve t-shirt with a slightly ripped pattern and ripped black jeans with doc Martins on his feet. Under his eyes were big black bags that seemed to have been made bigger with eye shadow. But you couldn’t see most of his eyes because of his hair. The boy had brown skinfade on the sides and purple hair on top. The purple bangs hung over his eyes.

Remy glares at the boy and says “what a waste of coffee. There’s a shortage in hell and you humans are just spilling it everywhere”. This caused the boy to scream in shock which causes the over voice from downstairs to yell.


“N-no Logan. I’ve got this.”

Remy just rolled his eyes and watched as the boy, Virgil, slowly walked over to the desk and grabbed a pen, pointing it at Remy. “who are you?” Virgil demanded. “Get me coffee bitch and I’ll tell you everything you want to know” Remy said finally standing up. Virgil raises as eye brow before nodding and going downstairs. As he wants, Remy hears a lot of noises coming from down stairs and the other boy say something about Coffee and anxiety. Finally, about 15 minutes later, Virgil finally returned with a travel mug full of coffee. He passes it over and Remy quickly takes a drink. “oh coffee how I missed you”.

“So who are you?”

“Remy the demon. Nice to meet you”

“wait your demon”

“it’s not like I just said I was”

“it worked! I knew demons were real! Fuck you Logan. I was right”

“my names Remy, babe. Not Logan”

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