First Meet

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Stump.. stump... Stump..

The sound of some people's walking in the corridor was heard with a pin drop since around them, only the footsteps of those people's were heard. Not even a single breath was heard in the air. All of the people were looking down not daring to look at them cause of fear. Because they were the most ruthless gang of the whole university. The 'Black Eagle Gang' with 3 members. John, Mark and the leader Stephen.

As soon as those steps sounds faded away in the corridor, there were loud sounds of people's breathing out heavily their breathes, like they got their life back. And all of them started to mind their own business..

This is the one of the richest university of the whole town, in which only rich people's children can take admission. They have strict rules in here and the owner of the university is Mr James Smith who was the father of Stephen the basketball player and also know as famous playboy of university.

//Back to story//

A girl wearing a big hoodie till her head was there looking at the new university she recently joined.
She had to do because of her parent's shifting their business in the new place.
She walked through the main gate and saw that everyone is standing in side like a statue without even breathing. She was shocked to see this in her first day and was about to ask them but suddenly she feel the environment around her being cold which makes her shiver through her spine. so she stood their still like other's without even moving a inch like a statue.
And there she saw 3 boys coming inside with cold face and a smirk plasted on their face.. They were walking in the corridor like they own it. She didn't dare to look up because she was too scared to do so..
But little did she know that she catch someone's attention at the first day of school..

~Time Skip~

The beel rings indicating the classes had started, and soon all the students goes to their respective classes. And Then the professor came and introduce all to their new mate.
When the professor call out her name she get inside the class slowly and see that everyone was looking at her in shock and mostly with bored eyes, as it was mid of year so no one joined at that time and she was wearing a big hoodie like a hobo in the summer.
She introduced herself as she was told as she didn't dare to look up and just walk and seat in the last bench which was empty as instructed by professor. Even though all the students ignore her presence, but one particular person's eyes was stuck on her the whole time.
and soon the professor started to teach the lesson and soon after sometime it was break time.

Everyone was chit chatting and some were heading towards the cafeteria. She was writing something on her notebook not bother about her sorrounding. But suddenly she noticed someone's presence infront of her.
She look up and saw a boy at around her age looking at her with a small smile..

Hey.. Myself Marcus and you?(he said)
Hi.. I'm isabella (she replied)
You are the new student right? (He ask)
Ya.. that's me (she said with a nod)
You seems to be an introvert.. wanna be friends?(he offered his hand)
Ya.. I'm, and ya sure why not you seems to be a good person to me (she said while accepting his hand)
You are really sweet.. You are in 2nd semester right? (he ask)
Ya.. and you?(She said)
I'm too.. in which field? I'm from arts field(He asked)
Ohh.. I'm in business field (she replied)
Oh that means we'll be having most of our classes together.. (he said with a huge smile in his face)
She just giggled at his behaviour and both of them were chatting with eachother's laughing and giggling but someone was not liking this at all.. (Comment who is that?👀)

Soon the break was over and both of them headed towards their next class, not knowing two pairs of eyes were looking at them more like following them.

The next class was of literature..
Their comes our strict professor. Mr willson (he said dramatically)
What's with that reaction (she said giggling)
Cause he always hold that straight face like this (he said showing those face types)
Ohh my... (She was giggling looking at his funny face)

Both of them stopped as they saw the professor coming inside the class.. everyone greets him and soon he started the lesson.

He indeed looks like that (she wisper to him with soft giggles)
He is indeed. (He added nodding his head)

If anyone wants to talk, they can go outside and talk. If your in my class then i need silence.. (he said while writing in board)

Both of them laugh looking at eachother's knowing they were the one talking. So and after that both of them focus on their lessons..

The class was boring, as at first the professor was teaching in his own world. Some students were sleeping, some were day dreaming about themselves, some were eating and some were just living in their own world like other's don't exist..

So you are having fun with my little brother my little pixie.. I see.. Looks like someone needs to know whom you belongs to (He said to himself with a smirk on his face)

Soon the bell rings which means the lecture was done. And as it was half day all the students started to pack their back and headed towards their own homes..

Hey Isa..You done? (he called)
Yes.. Let's go (she said back)
Hey.. if you don't mind can I get your number please. (He said with nervousness)
Ya why not silly (she laughed at him)
Okay bye.. see you tomorrow (she waved at him)
Ya see you tomorrow. Bye (he waved back)
And both headed towards their destination.

As he was walking in a distance. He was faced with his brother looking at him in a serious way.

He.hey..big brother.. why you here? (He shutter)
She seems to trust you. Don't she? (He asked ingnoring his question)
Wh..who you are talking about.. I don't know (he said shocking)
Oh my little brother.. don't act innocent, you know I'm talking about your sister in-law!!(he said with a smirk)
Wh..what... Sister in-law..? (He asked shocked)
Yes my dear little brother.. (he said with a smirk)
No.. you are kidding to me (he opposed)
You'll know about it soon my little brother (he pats his head and walk away leaving his brother on shock)

Any guess who is he.. who do you think is Marcus brother?

Words count-1154

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