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Donghyuck woke up because of the noises coming from his cellphone. His teacher called and answered, he excused himself in class because he wasn't feeling well and it was obvious from his cracking voice and fortunately, his teacher understood him because he always saw the younger student who always came home late to finish what he needs to finish in school. He also informed Johnny that he might miss work because he is not feeling well and the older man understands this.

He was just lying on his bed and checked his phone and saw that his friends had missed calls to him several times and the one with the most calls was from Mark. He replied to Jeno, Jaemin, Taeyong and Jaehyun letting them know that he was fine. He threw his cellphone on his bed and stared at the ceiling inside his apartment.

"Why did I fall for you? Why is it that you are the person my heart chose to like when I know I have no hope?", these questions are the reason why Donghyuck is crying again. He has been sobbing since last night and he didn't sleep very well.

"I just want to love, but why does it seem so difficult and painful?"

In the middle of her crying, her cellphone suddenly rang, she leaned over to check it, but when she saw the name of the caller, she cried even more. He turned his phone over and what he didn't know was, he accidentally answered this. The caller on the other line could hear Donghyuck's sobs. He decided to listen more to the younger man's sobs.

"I want to forget you but I don't know how. I want to get away from you but how?", he asked and stopped for a moment.

"I just want, I just want to forget what happened that night", he finally said and the younger man's sobs turned into soft snores.


It was midnight and Donghyuck decided to leave his apartment and go to the convenience store near them. He bought two bottles of soju and a snack. Donghyuck doesn't drink alcoholic drinks much when he's not with his friend Jaemin because he can't control himself when he's drunk, but now he'll get drunk without his friend. When he made the purchase and paid for it, he walked back to his apartment. He was about to get to his apartment when a man in all black and his back was leaning against a black car, just across from his apartment building, but he ignored him and walked straight ahead.

When he arrived, he was about to enter the building when he suddenly heard his name.

"Donghyuck", he called him. The young man suddenly stopped where he was standing and bit his lip. He didn't look at the person who called him because he already knew his voice.

"I went to your school earlier and I heard that you were absent. I also went to your place of work and Johnny said that you were not feeling well that's why you were absent from work. I called Taeyong and Jaemin earlier and asked if they received a message from you and they said yes. They called you and you answered them one by one and you reminded them that you are okay", Mark said incessantly. Donghyuck hasn't even faced the older man yet.

"You called them, but why didn't you call me? You told them you were okay, but why didn't you tell me? They all know what happened to you, but why didn't I know?", Donghyuck didn't know if why can't he answer Mark's questions.

"It's late Mark, please go home", was all he could say to Mark's questions. Donghyuck didn't want to face Mark because if he did, he might cry again and he might say something else. He heard the older man scoff at what Donghyuck told him.

"Why are you sending me away? Why don't you want to face me and say that right in front of me? Why are you treating me like we're not friends? I just want to talk and see you, Hyuck. Why...."

"Because I'm falling for you Mark!", he interrupted the questions of the mentioned man's name. Finally, Donghyuck faced him but something seemed wrong. Even though it was dark, Mark could still see the younger man's tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm fucking falling for you! Do you even understand that? I tried to stop my feelings for you Mark because I knew it was wrong and I swear to God, I really tried but I fucking failed. From picking me up from school and work , for treating me like I'm so special in your life and for showing me your god damn smiles that I thought I was the reason! Everything, Mark! I want to avoid you, to the point that I want to block your number from my phone, forget the times we spent together. I even want to forget the day we met. You just don't know how hard I stopped myself to feel them, Mark", Donghyuck almost couldn't breathe as he said those to Mark, who was now just dumbfounded by the younger man.

"I just want to love someone who will love me back and be happy. I just want to do things that I haven't done before. I also want to experience what Jeamin and Taeyong are experiencing to be happy and not think about other people but , why does it seem so difficult and painful just to achieve those things? You want to see me right? You want to talk to me? What now? Do you hate me now because I admitted that I like you?Are you happy to see me like this? Of course you should. You came here just to see me in this fucking messed up situation and you should be grateful. You know what, why don't you go home and go see your girlfriend ? You're just wasting your precious fucking time in here", Donghyuck said coldly and went inside the building to go to his apartment.

"You fucked up big time, Mark. You fucking idiot".

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