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The six young men had just finished eating and decided to play a simple game. Two pairs of lovers sat on a large and wide couch. Donghyuck just realized now, he's too out of place with the couple and felt single. He sighed and sat down on the two-person seat and was surprised to see Mark sitting next to him. He thought that the older guy might also have a girlfriend so he removed the negative thoughts and tried to enjoy the game they were going to play.

"Hyuckie. I'm sorry to ask this but, don't you have someone special you can bring here?", Taeyong suddenly asked out of curiosity. Donghyuck was about to answer when Jaemin suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"That's the same question I asked him Yongie but you know what he always answers, "I won't waste my time for that, Jae. So just stop.", so what am I going to do with his stubborn heart? His job and his books in his apartment are probably the ones he will marry", Jaemin flatly complained to his friend who only raised an eyebrow at the revelation released by Jaemin about him.

"Really? So that means you haven't been in a relationship before? Not even once?", Taeyong asked in disbelief and Jaemin just nodded as he crossed his arms in his chest.

"He doesn't even drink alcohol or even go out with friends. He's always inside of his apartment when he doesn't have school or work", Jeno, Jaehyun and Taeyong laughed at the unbelievable revelations that came out of Jaemin's mouth.

"Isn't there hope that you'll fall for someone, Hyuck?", Taeyong asked seriously and everyone fell silent. Donghyuck didn't answer as rested his elbow on the soft armchair and supported his head which he rested on his palm and avoided looking at the people who were waiting for him to answer. Jaemin sighed and looked at his friend who was obviously pressured by the question.

"Hyuckie, I know it's hard but just try. You know, even though the people I loved used to hurt me all the time, I'll admit it's so good to be loved", Donghyuck's eyebrows met at what his friend said and he remained silent. His friends gave up and let Donghyuck think.

Jaemin's house was filled with happy stories, laughter and songs and they didn't even notice that it was getting late, so they all decided to rest in the rooms that the young man had prepared for them.

The two pairs of lovers slept together in different rooms, while Jaemin decided to separate Mark and Donghyuck's room so that it wouldn't be awkward and it might not be comfortable for the two young men to sleep in the same room.

Before they all split up to sleep, Jaehyun approached Mark.

"You literally have to make a move now, bro", he whispered to the younger man, causing him to roll his eyes as if he knew what this meant.

"Damn it. He doesn't seem to be interested", he answered with frustration in his voice. Jaehyun gently tapped the younger male's shoulder.

"You won't know the result if you don't do anything. Just try, bro", Jaehyun convinced Mark and he just nodded his head.

Even if his friends don't convince him, Mark will still do it, but there's a part of him that if he tries what he's going to do, it might end in nothing.


It's two in the morning and Donghyuck still can't sleep and he doesn't know why. He had slept over at his friend's house several times and he was able to fall asleep right away, but now it seems like his eyes don't want to let him sleep. He got up from his bed and went to his friend's spacious kitchen, he made some tea and went to the back of Jaemin's house and hung out in the big garden. The smell of tea and the breeze made Donghyuck feel very peaceful.

Donghyuck played music through his cellphone and turned up the volume as he sang along.

While he was entertaining himself by singing, he didn't notice that someone was already sitting in the empty seat next to him. The man accidentally sneezed very loudly, a reason to surprise Donghyuck's peaceful soul.

"HOLY SHIT!", he cursed while holding his chest with his left hand. His eyes widened at that person and he suddenly covered his mouth.

"M-Mark. W-What are you doing here?", he stammered and took a deep breath as he calmed himself down. Mark let out a soft laugh at Donghyuck's question as he crossed his legs.

"Can't sleep and I'll take it that you too can't sleep", Donghyuck leaned back to his chair as he sipped his tea. He just hummed to answer the older man.

The only noise in the garden was the music from Donghyuck's cell phone because at least one of them had no plans to speak, but Mark mustered up the courage to ask something to the younger man.

"It's not that I'm interfering or anything, but as Taeyong said, is there really no hope that you'll fall in love just in case?", he asked seriously. The younger man looked at Mark and seemed to feel something else. Not a bad feeling, but a good one. There seemed to be some joy in his heart when Donghyuck looked at him.

"To tell you honestly, there is a chance that I can fall in love but, as Jaemin told you earlier, I have never been in a relationship before, since I only work and study", he explained and looked at his slippers-clad feet. .

"It's just that, seeing my friends being loved by the people they love, I feel so happy", he added and intertwined his own fingers.

Mark just looked at the younger man and thought that his happiness was too superficial. Just seeing his friends that are happy with their love life, he is happy too.

"I'm not saying that I don't want to fall in love, but maybe it's safe to say that, maybe after I graduate and find a stable job, that's it.", he added in his explanation when he noticed that the man he was talking to suddenly became quiet.

"But what if someone confesses to you before you graduate, will you accept it?", Donghyuck thought about the question and looked Mark straight in the eyes. The wind picked up and the music suddenly stopped as if waiting for its answer.

"Maybe?", he replied with a mischievous smile on his lips and left, leaving Mark who was so captivated by Donghyuck's beautiful smile.

"Damn. I think I'm falling for him", he whispered to himself while still looking at the chair where Donghyuck was sitting earlier and smiling like a fool.

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