Part 6 - beach day or not for some

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No one's POV

"Hey tam, wanna join us at the beach ?" Angela asks Tamera who is currently floating the in pool again.

"Yeah I'd love too" she says getting out the pool. "I need to change though"

"Yeah no problem, take your time, the beach is quite far away so we are going to drive down and take a picnic, Lucy is hungover from last nights shenanigans and Tim has something about the beach and is refusing to go so you can ride with us." She explains to her.

"Awesome, give me 10 minutes" tam replies as she runs upstairs to change into a new swimsuit and puts a white dress over it before grabbing her bag, being careful not to wake up Lucy.

"I'm back, let's go, I've never been to the beach" she says to Angela as she gets in the back of the car with the kids.

"We live a mile from the beach though" Wesley replies.

"I know, I've just never been, this is so exciting" she says as they drive there.

About an hour later everyone arrives at the beach, they all lay there towels down while the kids start to play in the sand.

"Anyone want to play volleyball ?" Bailey asks.

"Yesss, bagsy being on baileys team" Tamera says.

"How about girls vs boys ?" John suggests.

"Oh you are so going down" Nyla says.

"Right so me, tam, Bailey, Nyla, Celina and Luna, be Wesley, Nolan, James, Aaron and grey" Angela says.

"Yeah sorry guys, I'm out, but I am going to have so much fun seeing wade play, this is going to be hilarious, and I'll watch the kids" Luna says.

"Right let's get started, you guys are going down" wade says as Bailey serves the ball.

"One more point and we win" tam says as she serves a perfect ball which hits the sand on the other side of the net as all the girls started cheer and the boys sighed.

"Your all losers !!!" Bailey shouts at them.

"Yeah, yeah, you win again" John replies.

Once their game of volleyball was finished they all sat down and tucked into their picnic.

"Hey Lilah wanna go in the sea" tam asks Nyla's daughter.

"Yes please" she responds.

"Stay safe girls." Nyla says as they watch them run off into the sea.

"I'm sorry guys, but we are going to have to head back, someone forgot to apply suncream" bailey says to everyone as she looks at John.

"You look like a beetroot" Tamera says as everyone laughs.

"Yeah yeah, I know" he says unimpressed.

"Have fun guys" bailey says as they start to leave.

"Let us know when you are back" Angela shouts after them.

"We will", Bailey says as they leave to head back to the villa.

*meanwhile with Tim and Lucy*

Once Tim saw the last car pull off the drive way he headed straight to Lucy's room.

"Hey baby" Tim says as he opens the door.

"Heyyyy" Lucy says as she sits up.

"I love your excuse, being hungover, you are a great liar" he says.

"Well at least you didn't have to lie, I can't believe that you don't like the beach" she says.

"Sand in my hair, face and eyes, no thank you" he says. "But Angela did say that they will be there to watch the sun set, so we have a few hours alone in this amazing villa"

What if, the holiday version ( a Chenford story ) Where stories live. Discover now