"character analysis before invasion"

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Name: Rimuru Tempest

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Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: slime(half-spiritual being)


Age: 2 years


Classification: high disastor+.

Ep value: 1,300,000.

Unique Skill: <great sage>, <gluttony>, <degenerate>, <eternal bond>.

Extra skill: magic sense, swordsmanship, magicule enchantment,danger sense,black flame,black thunder, shadow motion,
Shadow maniplution, mind eye, forsight, parallel existence,water blade,water maniplution,fire maniplution, black flare, steel thread, paralysis wave, poisonous wave, thought communication, electric maniplution, magic jamming, gravity maniplution, ultra-speed regeneration.

Magic: elemental magic, greater demon summoning, electric magic,light magic

Resistance: stab nullification, thermal nullification,pain nullification,poison nullification, melee nullification, magic resistance, holy magic resistance,spiritual attack resistance.

Intrinsic skills:ultra-speed regeneration, mimicry.

Intrinsic skills:ultra-speed regeneration, mimicry

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name: izumi nava

Race: human saint(complete)

Gender: female

Age: 20

Height: 5'7

Classification:low catastrophe

Ep: 1,950,000

Unique skill:<analyser>, < magi reactor>, <eternal bond>, <martial master>,<stockpile>.

Extra skill: magic sense, swordsmanship, magicule enchantment,danger sense,black flame,black thunder, shadow motion,
Shadow maniplution, mind eye, forsight, parallel existence,water blade,water maniplution,fire maniplution, heavenly flare, steel thread, paralysis wave, poisonous wave,thought communication, storage, electric maniplution, magic jamming, gravity maniplution

Resistance: stab nullification, thermal nullification,pain nullification,poison nullification, melee nullification, magic resistance, holy magic resistance,spiritual attack resistance.

Magic: elemental magic, greater demon summoning, electric magic, light magic, spirit summoning

Magic: elemental magic, greater demon summoning, electric magic, light magic, spirit summoning

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Name: Akane

Race: superior spirit of light( spiritual being).

Gender: female

Height: 5'9

Classification: high calamity

Existence value: 600,000

Unique skill: <lumiose>: subskills:-

1. Radiant Burst: Emitting a sudden burst of intense light, potentially blinding foes or illuminating dark areas.

2. Prismatic Shield: Creates a protective barrier formed from refracted light, capable of deflecting attacks or trapping enemies.

3. Luminous Healing: Utilizes light particles to heal wounds or revitalize allies.

4. Photon Manipulation: Controls photons to create illusions, distractions, or manipulate the environment.

Blessing: blessing of meadow

Extra skill: danger sense, parallel existence, mind eye, heavenly flare, flame manipulation, light manipulation, thought acceleration.

Resistance: pain nullification, thermal nullification, stab nullification, melee resistance, poison resistance.

Magic: light magic.

Intrinsic skill: particle maniplution.


326 words

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