"CH-3 Trip to dwargon Part-1"

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After Izumi and rimuru wake up rimuru told izumi his idea of asking the goblins to create better houses, clothes to improve the quality of the house and the basic attire in the village. However, there was a unexpected problem.


3 pov

A tall buff hobogoblin is currently apologizing to his masters for their failure of not being able to create proper houses and proper clothes this hobogoblin was the leader of the town after Izumi and rimuru it was none other then rigurd.

Rigurd:*in a disappointed tone and in shame*Forgive me rimuru-sama and izumi-sama.. We were not able to do the ordor which u gave us as none of us have ever built a proper house.

Rimuru:*sweatdops* it's fine rigurd ik u can improve it's not even... That bad.. (Can u even call that a house?).

The supposed "house"in question Which the hobogoblins were tasked to build was just a pile of sticks which looked like it could be pushed over by a small gust of wind.

Izumi:*sighs* guess we have to find some or hire people to teach them how to make house. Rigurd u dont have to be ashamed u could have admitted u did not know how to do those,we would have found some other way u dont need to worry we won't punish u but i can say u did put effort trying to please us both but dont do things which are impossible for u to do as of now just to please dont be afraid to tell us that u can't do it from now on okay *smiles*.

Rigurd*overwhelmed by the kindness given by Izumi and is filled with confidence* HAI! IZUMI-SAMA FROM NOW ON WE WON'T BE AFRAID TO EXPRESS OUR OPINIONS.

Izumi:*smiles* now that's the rigurd I know.

Rimuru*smiles*(u truly are too kind Izumi u made him gain his confidence in just few seconds) *realizes somthing(wait am I the actual leader or is it Izumi she is doing it better then I am) and so the adorable slime is now conflicted while thinking being carried in izumi's arms.

Great sage:<*sighs* why did I have to get such a dumb master>

Rimuru:*hears <great sage> say something* (did u say somthing)

Great sage:<negative. It's just ur imagina->

Rimuru:(yep yep yep ik it's "just my imagination right"?)

Great sage:<...>

Rimuru:(cat got ur tounge huh)

Great sage:<notice: skills don't posses a tounge and slimes are not defined as felin->

Rimuru:(OKAY OKAY I GET IT U WIN)*says defeated*

Great sage:<*smug face* heh>

Rimiru:(did u jus- nvm im just not gonna continue).

So rimuru defeated by his own skill just listens to Izumi speaking with the goblins on how to solve the issue on building houses but also on clothes and on how to create weapons for the village until rigur the son rigurd
suggested a idea.

Rigur"izumi-sama can I suggest an idea"?

Izumi:*bit surprised but smiles*hai u can rigur-san.

Rigur:*happy of be use to for one his master*izumi-sama we can seek the assistance of the dwarves of the dwarven kingdom to guide us on this issues izumi-sama.

Izumi:*impressed* rigur ur a genius how come I did not think of this before. Excellent idea rigur me and rimuru-san will go to the dwarven kingdom for dwarves who can help assisting our village.

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