120k special~

295 7 6



Misokazuki was watching the moon up from the balcony of the hotel they were currently staying at. She was reminiscing about all the things she could think of.

Reminiscing about meeting Zoro the love of her life and soon to be husband. She was thinking about how she met the crew and how much they mean to her. What they have done for her.

She couldn't help but smile and feel grateful to them all. "Are you ready Miso?" Nami asked as she entered the room along with Robin.

She turned her face and hummed. "Then let's go, it's your bachelorette party and it's going to be a amazing night!" Robin stated as they waited for Misokazuki to walk towards them so they could leave together.

"I'm really grateful to you guys you know? You are my family and I'm so glad you are here to celebrate this special moment with me." She said and the other two were smiling at her.

They pulled her into a tight embrace and patted her back. "We feel the same now let's go. Luffy and the other's are taking Zoro to go fight some evil or something. Boy's." She sighed and rolled her eyes.

She chuckled. "Sounds like the perfect thing for him, if we're being honest. So what's the plan for tonight?"

"We are going partying and getting drunk." Nami winked and the others chuckled. "Alright then let's go."

They left the hotel and walked down the busy streets. They were talking and laughing along the way before soon they arrived at a building.

This was a bar specifically for women who wanted to let lose without fear of being taken advantage of by men. Where women could hoist their bachelorette party and have fun completely safe.

Misokazuki had heard of places like these before as they entered and couldn't help but smile. Safety is always a priority.

There was loud music blasting the moment they walked inside. A band was playing on stage where men and women performed all kinds of dances and performances.

It was truly a sight to behold. "Hey reservation for Misokazuki's bachelorette party." Nami spoke to the attendee and she nodded. "Right this way please." She gave them a smile and lead them to their table.

It was already filled with shots and beverages alike for them to drink. The three women sat down and each downed a drink. "Ah this is so good."

"Hits the spot."

They chuckled. "I suggest getting drunk and having the time of our lives." Nami suggested.

Everyone nodded.

"To your last night of being single!" Robin toasted and they clanked their glasses together.

They lost count of the drinks they consumed but they were drunk and dancing away on the dance floor, ultimately having the time of their lives. They cheered for the performances, heck they even performed themselves. It was a night to remember and hopefully they still would, without the headache that usually follows this type of fun.

The night ended late into the morning for both parties. Sleep deprived zombies were getting ready for the biggest day of their lives. Their marriage to each other.

They got dressed and made all pretty just for 10 minutes of fame. Misokazuki was nervous and the lack of sleep did not help her case at all. "Just breathe you'll be fine. You are only marrying Zoro. So no need for nerves. You are practically already married and this is just a formality." Nami tried to reassure her friend.

She took a deep breath and sighed. "Yeah you're right. Thanks Nami." She smiled and they hugged briefly before Robin came inside the room.

"Oh you look absolutely gorgeous Miso. Also it's time~" she smiled and Misokazuki nodded before taking a deep breath and walking out of the room.

Everyone was seated in their respectful places and Zoro stood waiting at the end of the aisle. Soon music started playing and the man got nervous. Misokazuki walked down the aisle in the most beautiful gown ever, she looked like a radiant star in zoro's eyes.

Both were nervous wrecks but both also very happy. As they got closer to one another the nerves disappeared and got replaced with longing and love.

Once Misokazuki arrived Zoro took her hands in his and smiled fondly at her. The smile immediately returned by the other.

The priest immediately started the ceremony and it was beautiful. Everyone present was stunned by the wonderful vows they wrote for each other (I suck at writing vows but just imagine it was breathtaking, world shaking shit)

"Now it's time for the ring exchange." The priest said and Luffy zoro's best man handed him his and Nami handed Miso hers. Zoro took her hand and put the ring on her slender finger and Miso did the same with his ring.

Everyone was smiling.

"Now do you Zoro take Misokazuki to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health? To cherish her above all others till death do you part?"

"I absolutely do." People chuckled at his eagerness.

"Misokazuki do you take zoro to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold in both sickness and health? To cherish him above all others till death do you part?"

She chuckled slightly before responding. "I absolutely do."

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." He said to Zoro and Zoro smiled before pulling her closer and capturing her lips into a passionate love filled kiss.

The crowd cheered and so the chapter into the next part of their lives together forever started surrounded by their family.



Happy 120k!!! I can't believe it tbh haha. So here's a little special chapter. Hope you enjoyed bec it's been so long since I wrote these characters, I might not be fully accurate with their plot characteristics but oh well. Thank you sm for your love n support on this fic.🫶🏻

Triple blades [Roronoa zoro]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang