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Excruciating pain seeped through her entire body down to her core and then suddenly nothing. Nothing but darkness and the feeling of being numb.

She couldn't move, she was lost in this eternal spiral of darkness. She shivered as it was quite cold. It felt like her body was freezing over time and time again.

A drop fell on the black surface causing it to ripple. She looked down and saw her skin even paler then normal, lips blue purple from the cold. Her fingers cramped, she couldn't move them for fear she'd break them.

They were frozen solid. They froze in this very not useful position. She let out a breathy sigh that could be spotted due to the coldness. She wrapped her arms around herself as a way to keep her warm.

She looked around but was faced with nothing but darkness. She felt stuck and lost. No hope to find her way back to light.

Could this be the after effect of the curse? She decided to just start walking into one direction and hope for the best really. She had already deemed herself to be stuck here with no way out.

Her legs were tired and her muscles ached from the cold. Though suddenly she felt a bit warmer and stronger. She didn't know why but she didn't particularly care in this moment.

She took this as a sign to just keep going. She felt like she was going into the right direction.

"We have to know what's going on eventually." A voice echoed making Misokazuki jump.

"It's not my secret to tell. I promised her I'd keep it secret." Another voice echoed. She couldn't make out who it was as the voice came distorted.

"Pl... Zuki....... cm....ba.... to....." the sentence and voice were so distorted she couldn't make out what was being said at all.

She only knew she heard her name. She must be getting close to the only person who calls her that.

"Zoro." Immediately she felt full of energy and started running towards him. Well towards where she thought he would be.

It wasn't easy as she was part icicle now but she still tried. She's not one that gives up that easily. She won't go down without one neck of a fight.

"Fucking stupid ice. I'd slice you to pieces if I had my swords." She muttered as she kept moving her legs against the harsh cold that was on her legs.

She cursed and cursed until she was out of breath and just stopped running. She placed her frozen hands on her knees as she bent over to catch her breath.

She was exhausted and cold she was growing frustrated because of it. She felt herself choke in her own breathing to caught up in her own thoughts to realise it.

She felt hot tears of frustration cloud her eyes and vision. She tried to keep them at bay but she couldn't so they dropped down to her cheeks and then on her hands, which were on her knees.

"Little moon drop calm down." A soft, calming voice spoke. This causes her to look up and what she saw was something that only made her cry more.

There was an older woman in front of her. She never knew her yet she's no stranger. It was in fact her own mother that stood before her.

She had a warm and inviting smile that was quite contagious. "Mom?" Her voice croaked out between the heavy breaths and sobbing.

"It's me little moon drop. Come here." She opened her arms for a hug to which Misokazuki ran to. She engulfed her mother as she felt her mother's arms wrap securely around her.

Her mom was stroking her back and hair soothingly to help her calm down, which it did. She was given comfort she never thought she actually needed.

The comfort of your mother, warm hugs, comforting words, her genuine love and affection. All things she had gotten from her aunt but it wasn't the same as how it feels now.

"It's alright moon drop. Just calm down."

Her gentle voice was like music to her ears. She relaxed in to her mother's touch and her breathing steadied.

"That's my girl." She looked down and gave a smile.

"What is this place?"

"Hmm I don't know, it's a space you created. One you go to when your body and mind need rest. This place provides you with everything you need. You just have to find a way to know how."

"You needed me so here I am. But darling your friends need you. You cannot stay here any longer."

"But I want to stay with you a little longer mom. I have missed you so much."

She had a soft smile on her lips. "I'll always be here moon drop." She said and pointed to her heart. "I'm not actually here, I'm dead." She chuckled to which Misokazuki looked down.

"Your friends are worried about you, especially a certain greenhead." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Misokazuki blushed to this and looked away. "Shut up. How do I wake up then?"

Her mother shrugged. "You can't expect me to give you all the answers my dear. It's true what they say, a child can't go without their mother's help." She laughed to which Misokazuki just rolled her eyes.

She tried focusing on her waking up in her room to the others. She faintly saw the light. She felt a hand in hers and squeezed it.

She fluttered open her eyes to the bright light of her room. "You have to tell them."

"Zuki! How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired." She said as she felt her eyes slip closed again. She felt her consciousness being dragged back to the black abyss.

"You've got to try harder moon drop. You were almost there c'mon. Show me how strong you actually are."

She let out a scoff. "Don't assume I'm some weakling mom. I love you."

"And I love you my little moon drop. I'm so proud of what you've become so far. Now wake up." She stated as everything started to disappear.

The whole place crumbled down into actual nothingness. She started to disappear as well. She looked down and closed her eyes.

She was afraid to fall into this true nothingness but when she opened her eyes she was met with nothing but brightness. The brightness of her room.


I started writing this chapter a little before 1am but my hand hurt so I stopped at like almost 300 words. Then this fic only had 40k reads it got like almost 3k reads extra in a singular night 😭 I'm so grateful to y'all and looks like we finally got a look into Misokazuki's unconscious state.

Triple blades [Roronoa zoro]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang