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Guys I'm just letting you know, my mental health is totally down the drain, like it's so bad. My friends irl basically abandoned me, my online friends don't have time or the capability to help me. Like listening can only do so much and I simply don't know what to do anymore. So if I disappear for a while without updating yk the reason why. I'm so extremely love deprived it's killing me lmao anyways on to the story!


"Well then Robin, I'll take you to my captain." He stated and she smiled following him as he made his way back to the ship. He knew Luffy would be there as he would be bored after eating to do anything else.

"Zoro!" Luffy shouted as he saw his first mate approach him from the deck. "Oh who's this?" He asked eyeing the woman.

"I'm Nico Robin."

"I'm monkey D Luffy. What brings you to my ship?"

"I heard from Zoro here your crews goal is to make their dreams come true."

"That's right! Do you wanna join us Robin?"

She chuckled. Giving them a small smile before replying. "I'd love to captain Luffy."

Luffy roared out of excitement. "Yay!"

"Welcome aboard Robin, what's your dream if you don't mind me asking?"


I'm an archaeologist and my dream is to discover the true history of the world."

To say they were mind blown was an understatement. "That's actually cool." Zoro stated causing her to smile.


Zoro had just gone to pick up his swords at the blacksmith shop. "Welcome sir, your order is ready for you." The older man spoke as Zoro walked in the shop.

His son came out from the back carrying two freshly made katanas. (Like it's some fresh baked bread.💀) Zoro took ahold of them and drew one inspecting it.

"This blade looks fine. Thank you, how much do I owe you?"

The elder smiled and they discussed the price which Zoro then paid. He walked out of the shop and made his way back towards the ship.

"Are those your new blades?" Robin asked all curious. Zoro stepped on the deck and gave a curt nod. "Can I see them?" She asked to which he nodded and unsheathed one of them.

She practically glowed over it. "Who's she?" A voice asked. It was Misokazuki, Nami and Sanji. They were each carrying bags.

Misokazuki had an unreadable look on her face and she looked at Zoro and the girl that basically clung to him.

"This is Robin, she's joined our crew." Luffy stated offering to take some bags off of them. He helped Sanji place them down in the kitchen before going back up the deck.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet such a beauty as yourself Robin, I'm Sanji the chef." He spoke kissing her hand softly whilst smiling at her

"Okay you blonde bimbo don't scare her off." Zoro muttered to which Sanji took offence. "Blonde bimbo? You're the one to talk radish head." He huffed out.

"Okay boys calm down." Nami got in between them. "I'm Nami, pleasure to meet you Robin, that's Misokazuki and Usopp is yet to arrive." She said as she posted at Misokazuki and then looked around for Usopp.

"Sorry I'm late guys." Usopp ran up the ship panting a bit. "Speak of the devil." Nami said as Usopp glanced at the new girl.

"This is Robin, a new crew member." Misokazuki stated with a hint of venom laced in her voice.

It went unnoticed by all but a few, Robin and Zoro.


The chatter was loud and cheerful for all but one. Everyone adored Robin and her dream and her profession.

Misokazuki huffed in annoyance. Everyone was eating and chatting not even noticing the girls sour and annoyed mood.

She couldn't admit that she wasn't agreeing with everyone's excited behaviour. She has a cool profession. Her dream was so big and was for the benefit for the world.

She was rather envious of such a dream. But something about the woman annoyed her. The way she clung onto Zoro like he was her everything. The way they got along so well when they only just met.

The way she made Zoro laugh and Zoro made her laugh. She felt like her blood was boiling. She couldn't take it no more and left the table abruptly.

This shocked everyone but she couldn't care any less. She stomped outside of the room and walked up the deck. She let out a sigh as she allowed the waves to calm her down.

There was no moonlight to illuminate the dark night. Only the stars and the lanterns lit hanging on the mast poles illuminated the ship.


"I think someone should go and talk with her." Nami stated as everyone just sat their silent after she stomped out like that.

"I agree with Nami. Something is clearly bothering her and no one noticed." Sanji admitted with a sad expression.

"I think Zoro should go. He's closest to her." Luffy added which made everyone nod.

Zoro stood up and walked outside the room up the deck. There he saw her standing by the railing looking out at the sea.

"What's the matter?" He asked as he walked beside her, placing his hand on the railing and looking at her side profile.

"Nothing." She huffed out glancing at him. "There is something or else you wouldn't have stormed out like that Zuki."

"Maybe you should ask Robin she might know." She spat yet the boy didn't understand her not so very subtle jab.

"What does Robin have to do with anything?" He asked.

This made her blood boil. "Never mind! God Zoro you're so fucking dense sometimes." She stomped away to her room leaving Zoro utterly confused.

Zoro let out a sigh before returning to the dinner room. "I think I just made it worse." He admitted before sitting down again finishing his food. "She said I was dense or something." He admitted to them making everyone give him a look.


:) 13k like damn people 😭😭😭

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