Bonus chapter.

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5 years have passed since they had left the straw hate pirates. Zoro and Misokazuki have ventured all across the globe. They discovered new and fun things but also less good things. They have helped the straw hat pirates whenever they could and were near them.

They helped them take down many bad pirates and even helped get the one piece alongside Luffy. Now they are just going where the wind takes them and doing whatever they please.

They decided to start a family and are well along to it. "The baby is kicking again." Misokazuki whined as she sat down with a huff. She was tired, her feet ached and her back felt like it was about to snap in two.

Zoro walked up to her and rubbed her belly gently. "Now, now, don't be so mean to your mommy. She needs enough rest to be able to carry you around for another 3 months." He gave a smile to his now wife and pecked her forehead.

They had gotten married almost a year ago. They invited all their friends and newfound family. The ceremony was beautiful. It was held at night under the full moon and the wedding was moon themed but also sword themed because both of them are swordsmen after all.

Nami caught the bouquet so she's the next on to get married, tho to who will remain a mystery for quite a bit longer.


"Just one more push!" The woman said as a loud screech followed. Misokazuki was panting hard and fast. She was shouting profanities as she was pushing out the devil spawn aka their child.

"I'm never letting you fuck me again Zoro!" She threatened as she squeezed his hand harshly while giving the final big push. Soon crying enveloped the room and Misokazuki had a soft smile playing at her lips.

She held the crying baby girl in her arms after she was cleaned off of course. Zoro smiled happily at them before kissing his wife and daughters forehead softy.  The baby was crying while being softly rocked by her mother before she fell asleep.


"Aww she's so adorable, what's her name?" Nami asked as she cooed at the little infant in front of her. "Her name is Miyo." Zoro answered her as he welcomed his friends into their home.

They settled in a city not far from where they used to live as children. "Well hello little Miyo, I'm your auntie Nami." She said in a baby voice making funny face at the child.

Miyo was now 5 months old, the crew now only had time to visit them. Usually they'd be on the sea and sail to wherever but they decided it would be a stabler upbringing for their daughter on land, at least until she's old enough to walk that is.

"I'm happy for you guys. You got the family you wanted." Luffy stated before turning to the child and also making funny faces at them.

Misokazuki and Zoro chuckled at this. They just loved seeing their friends. They loved how much they loved their daughter. They'd make great family for little Miyo.


"Yah Miyo! Come down from there! You know your parents won't like this." Nami shouted at the now 6 year old up in the crows mast. Nami and Luffy were babysitting the little devil.

"Aw c'mon Nami let her have some fun." Luffy stated as he walked up to her and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah what uncle Luffy said!" The little girl whined and giggled. "I'm not letting you convince me this time. So stop plotting together! Luffy you're supposed to be a responsible adult and look after her. They trust us to do so. And you Miyo should listen to us, it's for your safety. You can go on the Crowsnest when you're older."

"Okay I'm older now!" She giggled again and Nami sighed. "I see you're having a little trouble with our little sea star?"

"Daddy!" The girl giggled before making her way down the Crowsnest jumping into her father's arms. He caught her and carried her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You better not tell your mom you went up there. You know she doesn't like you up there just yet, Miyo. Listen to your auntie Nami and uncle Luffy okay?" He softly scolded the little girl and she looked down but nodded her head nonetheless.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, next time just listen alright?"

"Alright auntie Nami!" She giggled.


"Uncle Luffy, you better be ready because I'm coming after your title as king of the pirates. Only I'll be the first ever queen of the pirates and I'll be even greater then you or mom and dad!" Miyo now 16 stated to her uncle who gave her a soft smile.

"Yeah? Challenge me, I'll look forward to it!"

"Miyo! Mom said no fighting uncle Luffy." The smaller boy stated scolding his big sister. She rolled her eyes at this. "I'm telling mom!" He shouted as he ran away towards his parents. "Shit!" Miyo cursed running after her brother because she didn't want to face her mom, she's scary when mad.

"Mom I swear it's not true!" She said as she gave a look to her little brother. "So you don't want to be queen of the pirates or challenge your uncle nor did you roll your eyes at your little brother?" She questioned.


"Love, their just being siblings. I don't remember me scolding you every time you rolled your eyes at me. Though I'm starting to think you would've preferred that." He said seductively hinting at something which caused her to blush madly. "Zoro!" She said as she hit his chest. "Shut up." She averted her eyes.

"I wasn't going to scold her, follow your dream and live it to the fullest. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise or stop you from achieving it. You'll do great, it's a good dream to have." She smiled softly at her children giving them the courage they needed.

End of the bonus chapter, hope you enjoyed this is the official end so hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster ride. Also 100k?!?!? I still cannot believe my eyes. 100k reads like wow, I'm absolutely shocked. Tysm for this!! I'm so thankful to each and everyone of you<3

Triple blades [Roronoa zoro]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora