The Fall

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Tamaris.. The place of all wonders and wonderful beasts that filled the land with beauty and harmony. There lived 3 civilizations. The Wilderburg who had lived and conqured the land for generations and has high honors and respect to their ancestors and enemies they fight, The League of Order the organization that was built by the 3 Supreme Wizards of Humanity and protected the rights of every human in Tamaris, The SpringWardens the sole children of the Mother Tree in Flynon and are the ones protecting nature from falling apart. These three lived on harmony and did not seek to fight other civilizations for no reason and chose to live and respect each other's decisions. But one day, this peaceful truce came to an end when all the civilizations lacked one thing. Food, All of them came up with similar ideas on how to solve this deadly problem they faced. Eventually, They crossed paths and had no choice but to fight over their food to survive and forget the truce their ancestors made. Greed controlled them like pieces in a chess board and slowly.. Their hatred grew stronger, causing wars and fights all throughout Tamaris. The League of Order fought the Wilderburgs for destroying one of their farms in the Southern region. The League of Order overpowered the Wilderburgs using their powerful spells and infantry. The Wilderburgs retreat back to the Burning Lands where their Main Territory resides and their king..Bakhar the undefeated, Hearing this news of which his brethrens had died. It was natural for Bakhar and his troops to fight back. The League of Order couldn't stop them due to Bakhar's rare artifact that was passed down through generations, The Dragon's Fang, which can cause earthquakes that can shatter mountains and lands throughout Tamaris, The Orders lost over 75,000 mages and 10,000 infantry on that singular attack. The survivors either ran away or surrendered to the Wilderburgs. Meanwhile, Near Flynon, where resources were abundant due to the Mother Tree's influence in her surroundings. The League of Orders launched an attack with over 300,000 Mages and 200,000 infantry against 230,000 archers that were stationed to defend the Mother Tree, having a lot more troops and larger firepower. The SpringWardens failed and lost 230,000 archers in this bloody battle while the League of Orders lost 70,000 infantry and 60,000 mages. This is what happened throughout the once beautiful Tamaris that is now a war zone. On July 18, 908, the night the Battle of the Rulers began.. All three rules of each civilization gathered in Mount Dreadfang. Waldyr, The Son of the Supreme Wizard: Glodyck and The Supreme Wizard of Ice, Bakhar, the king of the Wilderburgs, and The Queen of the SpringWardens: Gwayn who had the nickname "Arrow of Wind". The one who broke the silence and deadly stares that were given by each Ruler was Waldyr, "I thought you guys won't come because my invitation was a bit suspicious, wasn't it?" He said to lighten up the mood, "It was suspicious, but if it means to save my people, I will not hesitate to come!" Gwayn said while loading her bow with an arrow. "I agree with the Elf..I will fight for my honor and for my people!" Bakhar said while roaring. "Let's get started then, shall we?..The battle that will end this deadly fight once and for all!" Waldyr said before casting a spell."Elemenzath!" An ice spell which can freeze opponents Gwayn dodged it and shot an arrow at Waldyr, but thankfully, he used an ice spell that blocked it. Bakhar used his axe that was forged from a Dragon's claws and could shatter the ground by just touching it. He shattered the ground and attacked Gwayn, causing her to trip and fall in the pit he had made. While Gwayn fell and tried to get out, Bakhar and Waldyr fought, "Elemenzath! Ice Cage!!" Waldyr said, caging Bakhar in an ice-like cage."I will rip out your spine and make it my new armor!!" Bakhar said and threw his axe at Waldyr but missed."You Ignorant HUMAN!!" Bakhar said while charging at Waldyr,"Elemenzath! Ice Spikes!" A spell that was meant to insant kill an enemy but.. the ice wasn't strong enough to even pierce Bakhars skin, and Bakhar got Waldyr in the neck and held him in the cliff. "This..proves the winner of this glorious battle!" Bakhar is preparing to throw Waldyr off the cliff but suddenly heard.. "Tree of life, guide me with your powers! PIERCING ARROW!!" Gwayn said, yelling in the back, which had hit Bakhars leg injuring him."ARGHHH!" Bakhar said while whimpering, Waldyr escapes from Bakhar's hold and uses "Shatter!!" A spell that can shatter anything in its way this caused the crack that was previously caused by Bakhar to grow bigger and bigger, Gwayn shot more of her piercing arrows some missed and shattered the ground as well causing some parts of the mountain to fall off. The three continued to battle, causing more and more damage to the ancient mountain that was said to contain a deadly dragon where it was caged by the 3 civilizations when they were all still in a truce. Waldyr thought to himself while fighting off the two of them. Originally, I thought this place would be perfect to remind ourselves of how strong we would be if we had stuck together like our ancestors.. But sadly.. This mountain is about to crumble and fall.. which symbolizes our resembles only rumbles of a forgotten past. Before, the 3 rulers knew the damage they had done to their surroundings.. They heard a fearsome roar underground.. each of them froze in their place and couldn't move in this menacing presence.. The caged dragon.. The Dragon Of Chaos.. The dragon who once set the Lands of Tamaris on fire and had set creatures called Darklings to destroy Tamaris.. History..repeated.. itself.. was what each of them thought at that exact moment. All they saw was flying debris of the mountain that flew to each of their territories.. The debris contained..Darklings.. fallen ancient warriors that tried to fight the dragon.. The Wilderburgs saw this as an attack and sent a small army to investigate but was met by their previous king.. Hosk the Monster Hunter.. the small army of 500 died in an instant. The following Darklings that arised from the stones were old members of the Ancient army that fought the Dragon. All 10 million darkling orcs came from those rocks and ambushed the weakened Wilderburgs..500,000 died in the first hour of the attack. The League of Orders faced a devastating fate as well.. Their previous leaders.. The 3 Supreme Wizards.. Glodyck, Scar, and Faith. Along with over 5 million mages and 3 million more that were mixed with dead infantry, cavalry, and even celestials that were sent by the Heavens to aid the Humans in fighting the dragon..Naturally.. The League of Orders fell as well.. leaving severely wounded troops that fled the city.. The SpringWardens was the last to face this deadly fate with their greatest general.. Elemenia led over 3 million cavalry against her own brethren.. and caused the remaining elves to flee their homes and hide in the Mother Tree where Indis, The Oldest Elf in Tamaris, used her special barrier spell, "Nature's Embrace" to heal and to cast a very strong barrier in where only the Elves can pass and not the Darklings. The Three Rulers saw their own homes burn down due to their ignorant fight.. The moment they turned around.. There it is.. The Dragon of Chaos.. Kamaris was breathing his black flames that burnt down Mount Dreadfang while Waldyr was looking at Kamaris. Bakhar ran back to his home to help escape his brothers and sisters from his fallen father, Gwayn used her Elk to escape and run towards the Mother Tree in Flynon. Kamaris and Waldyr locked eyes for a moment, and Waldyr was forced to withdraw this battle using his spells to fasten his arrival in his home.. While Kamaris.. Looking at the Burning Lands.. with a smile and roared so loud that the three rulers still heard it from afar, each of them shivering.. in fear.. for what's coming next..

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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