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Two months, had passed since James's recovery, each day marked by the slow but steady mending of his body and spirit. Inaya had stood by his side through it all, a steadfast presence in the midst of his darkest hours.

And attacker has published with 10 year of jail. And news spread like wildfire. Fans were sending him lots of wishes to him.

As James regained his strength, a bond had formed between them, forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by shared laughter and quiet moments of solace.

Yet amidst the steady rhythm of their days, a shadow lingered in the recesses of Inaya's mind. Though Ton's sinister presence had faded from her life, his memory haunted her still, a ghostly specter that lurked in the corners of her consciousness.

She dared not speak of her fears, lest they become reality, but the knowledge of his obsession weighed heavily upon her soul.

And then there was James, a beacon of light in the darkness, his friendship a balm to her wounded spirit. Little did she know of the tumultuous emotions that raged within his heart, the unspoken longing that burned like a flame in the depths of his soul.

As they spent more time together, Inaya found herself drawn to James in ways she couldn't explain. His laughter was like music to her ears, his smile a ray of sunshine on even the darkest days. Yet amidst the warmth of their friendship, a seed of doubt took root in her heart.

How could she, a simple fan, dare to entertain thoughts of something more with someone like James? He was a star, a celebrity whose life played out on the silver screen for all the world to see. What could he possibly see in her, a mere mortal with dreams too big for her own reality?

And so she pushed aside the whispers of her heart, burying them beneath a facade of indifference. It was enough, she told herself, that James was her friend. Anything more was nothing but a foolish fantasy, a figment of her overactive imagination.

But try as she might to silence the longing in her soul, it refused to be ignored. It danced on the edges of her consciousness, taunting her with the possibility of something more, something she dared not believe could ever be hers.

And so they danced on the edge of something unspoken, their hearts entwined yet their feelings hidden beneath layers of doubt and uncertainty. Inaya couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond the confines of their friendship, but for now, she dared not venture into the unknown.

One day

when she was in Aarav's car while they were going to the office, his phone rang. The sudden interruption shattered the tranquility of the moment, jolting them both from their reverie.

Inaya watched as Aarav glanced at the caller ID, his brow furrowing in confusion before he answered the call.

"Mom? Is everything alright?" Aarav's voice quivered with apprehension as he listened to the words on the other end of the line.

Beside him, Inaya felt her stomach churn with anxiety as she waited for Aarav's response. The tension in the air was thick and suffocating, as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.

Aarav's face paled, his eyes widening in shock as his mother's voice echoed through the phone. "What? No, that can't be..." he trailed off, his voice choked with emotion.

Inaya reached out, a silent gesture of support as Aarav's grip tightened on the phone. "Aarav, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Aarav turned to her, his eyes filled with tears. "It's my dad," he whispered, his voice barely above a hoarse whisper. "He's been in an accident. I need to go back to India."

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