Unlike the tracker that was implanted on his ear, this one was removable if there weren't for the cameras and audio recorders around the room. The security is really tight from what he observed at first glance.

He wondered how Norman escape a place with such tight security like Lambda. He places a hand on the scanner as it made a beep noise. And showed your vitals which showed normal results.

“Time for your breakfast.”

What am I? An animal? The hatch below the scanner opened and came out a set of food. He takes the tray as the hatch closes. It almost looked like a ventilation system which it probably is as there are no other vents than this one.

"Uh... Thank you for the meal."

He sat on the table and began eating his breakfast. It was like any other food he ate at Grace Field but delectable nonetheless. On the side of the tray were pills in different sizes and color. He picks it up and observes it.

“You have to take those pills everyday, Milan. They're vitamins.”

Vitamins, my a**... He downed the pills in one go and drank water to ensure the drugs passes through to his stomach. He doesn't have a choice since they were watching, cameras, audios, and the bracelet that tracks his every move.

He was lead to a room. It was the same daily test machines that were at Grace Field but has more wires around. He was trapped in a vertically-shaped cylinder room. “You've taken test at Grace Field but this one will be a bit difficult for you. Can you do pass?” The doctor warned.

He smiled at a window "Yup!" The window was a one way mirror or as some call it, a spy mirror. It's basically like one of those investigatiom room where you can see the person while the latter can't see the otherside.

He puts on his headphones as the test begins. Once again, he relies on Milan's intelligence to pass the test which he finished. The doctors behind the glass were impressed and starts writing it down.

He was now lead to a room that were filled with test tubes, flasks, breakers, Bunsen burner, and other laboratory equipment. Basically, it looks like a science lab.

The doctor came over with a syringe that is filled with a strange liquid. I'm going to die... He breathes out. "This won't hurt." The doctor inserts the needle into his shoulder, injecting the odd liquid that might get him killed.

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.
Ⓓⓐⓨ ➄

It was the same routine as three days ago. A daily ritual; he checks his vitals, then is served breakfast once things prove to be in check. It only been five days since he took the pills and he starts to feel the affect of it.

His back hurts for some reason which is probably one of the affects of the pills. Am I starting to get old age? He downs the glass of pills once again and drinks water.

And once again, he goes to the lab to be injected.

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.
Ⓓⓐⓨ ➀➀


He looks at his palm to see blood. He spat blood out of his mouth. The doctors didn't even came in to check on him. They only observed behind the glass and took note of it.

I need to wash up...

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.
Ⓓⓐⓨ ➀➅

Though, he chose to ignore his back pain around his shoulders, it only got worst. Each and every day, he had to curl up into a ball to lessen the pain but it was getting worst than before.

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