AlanJeff: Trauma Love Reunion

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Note: So @multi_trash_bl gave me an idea and asked me what if Alan was traumatized after Jeff was kidnapped? Whenever he doesn't see Jeff by his side every morning he panics and frantically looks for him. My take on that is this small one-shot (I used chatgpt to write the main plot but edited it since the bot doesn't know the personalities of each character) I wrote the end though~


The crisp morning light spilled through the sheer curtains of the bedroom, casting soft patterns on the bed where Alan lay. His eyes fluttered open, and his heart immediately raced in the familiar, dreadful way it had every morning for the past several months. The sheets beside him were empty, cool to the touch, and neatly made—an indication of Jeff's absence.

Panic seized Alan, sharp and suffocating, as the memory of that horrifying day when It was an all-too-familiar terror, one that gripped him every morning ever since the day Jeff had been kidnapped, shortly after they'd gotten together. Though Jeff had returned safely, the trauma of losing him, even briefly, haunted Alan relentlessly.

"Jeff?" Alan's voice cracked as he called out, his eyes darting around the room, seeking the comforting sight of his boyfriend. There was no response, only the sound of his ragged breathing filling the silent space.

Frantically, Alan threw off the covers and stumbled out of bed. There was no response. The silence of the house only amplified his panic. He stumbled out of the bedroom, his eyes scanning every corner, every shadow for a sign of Jeff. He checked the bathroom, the kitchen, and the living room—all empty. His heart pounded against his ribs like a frantic drum, his breaths quick and shallow.

Just as he was about to spiral further, the front door creaked open. Jeff stepped inside, his arms laden with bags from the local market, his face calm and unaware of the chaos he had unintentionally caused. Seeing Jeff, alive and unharmed, Alan's tension broke, and his knees weakened.

"God, Jeff, I thought—" Alan's relief was palpable, his words muffled as he pressed his face into Jeff's shoulder. Even with weak knees, he managed to cross the room and pull Jeff into a tight and desperate embrace, burying his face in Jeff's neck, and inhaling the familiar scent that grounded him to reality. Jeff's arms wrapped around him, strong and reassuring.

Jeff, surprised but understanding, wrapped his arms around Alan. His unique power of foresight meant he often knew too much, and saw too much, which had isolated him for much of his life until he met Alan. "I'm here, Alan. I just went out to pick up some things for breakfast. I didn't mean to worry you."

"I couldn't find you. I didn't see you," Alan murmured, his voice muffled.

"I just went out to grab some coffee and patonggo for us. I didn't want to wake you," Jeff explained softly, rubbing Alan's back in soothing circles. Alan pulled back slightly, his hands still gripping Jeff tightly. "I know, I know. It's just that morning panic...I can't help it. I need to know you're safe." Alan looked into the younger man's eyes.

"I texted you though. Did you see it?" Alan shook his head, clinging a little tighter. After a moment, he stepped back, wiping at his eyes embarrassedly. "I'm sorry. I just...I got scared."

Jeff's expression softened. He cupped Alan's cheek, his thumb gently wiping away a stray tear. "I know, phi. I'm sorry, too. I should have made sure you knew where I was. Let's figure out a way to help you feel better about this. Whatever you need, okay?"

Alan nodded, a fragile smile tugging at his lips. "I don't want to be overprotective or clingy. I just can't bear the thought of losing you again."

Recognizing the depth of Alan's fear, Jeff nodded. "I'll make sure to tell you next time, even if it's just a quick trip downstairs. I don't want to add to your stress." His voice was soft, a testament to the effort he was making to bridge his instinctual reluctance to touch or be touched due to the overwhelming visions it could trigger.

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