AlanJeff: Our Mating Mark

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There was a new retro roller skating rink that opened in the city so Jeff wanted to check it out instead of going to his usual, not to mention favorite, rink and cafe. Jeff was going with his friend and Alan was curious as to who it was so he wanted to come. Jeff, unaware of Alan's thoughts, decided to let the man tag along as he wanted to help him learn more about roller skating so they could do it together.

Alan drove both of them in his car and while in the car Jeff was happily looking at his phone, excited to see the new rink he wanted to check out for a long time but Alan thought otherwise that the younger one was chatting happily with his "unknown" friend. He didn't know Jeff had any friends outside the garage. He knew his kid was an introverted person, not that it was bad, it's just that he never knew Jeff would expand his connections outside the garage. Again, not that it's bad but as his Alpha, he was worried his omega would get hurt. After all, he never befriended anyone outside, and it felt like tasking when he befriended the hyper duo North and Sonic.

"Tell me again, about this friend of yours." Alan started and Jeff looked at him then looked away smiling. "I told you I met him online. He likes what I like and we're the same age. This is the first time I see him." Although Jeff was excited to see his new friend he was also cautious, that's another reason why he brought his boyfriend along. "Why did you suddenly want to meet up?" Alan couldn't help but ask again and again, I mean he was curious why now. Jeff rolled his eyes, "Again, I told you we wanted to check out the new rink for a long time now so we decided to meet there." Jeff says and Alan just hums, he is skeptical about it but he can't stop his boyfriend from befriending anyone, it would be selfish of him to do so.

When they arrived at the venue, Jeff was looking around for his friend while Alan was waiting for his boyfriend at the corner. "Alex!" Jeff called and a guy turned his way then both of them smiled at each other. Jeff knew what he looked like based on his profile picture but never did he thought his friend was this handsome in person. Alan took a glance at the guy who was now standing in front of Jeff, how could Jeff find this handsome guy to befriend with?

Wait, is he looking for someone young? Someone who knows his likes and dislikes? Someone who has the same hobbies? Someone who can get him? A guy who's better than me?

Alan couldn't help but feel worried about this so he went closer and stood in between the two reaching his hand to shake Alex's hand. "My boyfriend is a germaphobe, hi, the name's Alan." He looked at this Alex guy, he looked like the typical guy that everyone has a crush on, like Babe. Not only does he look handsome, but he is also tall like Alan, and he looks fit as hell. "Oh, yeah. Hi, my name's Alex." They shook hands and then let go of each other. "Would you mind giving us a minute or two?" Alan says and Alex smiles, confused if he offended the older one. "I'm sorry, I just need to talk to him. You can come in first, we'll be there." Jeff says as he pulls Alan who was towering the young one.

He can't help it, his omega has a friend who is more handsome, fit, maybe smarter, and wealthier than him. He can't help but be worried especially since this friend was also an alpha. Alan knew it from miles away he was an alpha based on the pheromones he was emitting.

"What are you doing P'Alan?" Jeff asked with a firm voice. "Why didn't you tell me your friend was someone like him?" Alan asks, he doesn't want to say that this guy was better than him. "Like what, phi?" Jeff asks trying to calm down. "Like..." Alan didn't want to say it but he was pretty much upset about it. "Like a Babe 2.0, He looks handsome and hot, he might even be wealthy by the branded things he wore, plus why didn't you tell me he was a freaking alpha?" Alan didn't shout but he sounded angry. "I also didn't know he was. I never asked. I'm sorry." Jeff didn't want them to fight and so did Alan so he sighed. "Wait you called him handsome and hot, you think he is?"Jeff, with a smirk, asks the older one.

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