Dreams do come true

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Elsa's POV

"You sure, you don't want to go"?  I asked my best friend Ava, she is a fashion designer, she is like my sister, she can be bitch sometimes, but that's what best friends are, right?

"I am dying to go, but you know I am conducting a workshop tomorrow, I can't cancel it, and you little shit had to go the same day, I hate you " She complained and that made me laugh.

"Babe they don't schedule their concert according to my comfort" I said laughing.

"Yeah yeah, I know that, it's ok , I am really not jealous,But don't be busy just with Jungkook, record a video of my Jimin too or I'll kill you" Jimin is her bias, She is trying to joke, but I can feel sadness in her voice.

"Yeah sure and please Don't we a bitch with everyone in my absence, I'll stay in touch, promise" I promised.

"Ok ok, now I have to go,Bye Bye, love you El" Yes , that's what she calls me when she shows some love and concern to me.

"Love you " i replied and hung up and jumped from the bed in excitement realising why i called her.

"Finally Finally....after 3 years of dreaming  and being delusional about them I am going to attend their concert, Godd I can't believe this, one more day and I'll be there, I will see them not in reels but in real life, .Ohhhoooo."  I am jumping in my room from the moment I get the tickets, I am literally on cloud nine, and why not? this is what I wanted from the last three years.

Authors POV

Elsa Oberoi is 24 and also a business woman who owns some of the good art studios of the country, her employees respect her very much because she never pretends like she is the boss or something, she is friendly, beautiful and cute  (according to her male employees).

She has Indian nationality but she lived her half of life in South korea because of her parents business, but her parents wanted to spend their rest of life in their home country so they moved their business to India.

she is the only child of her parents and also lives with them, Her parents are so proud of her and why not, she achieved so much success at such a young age which every parent dreams of.

Elsa has this obsession with BTS, a top kpop band and finally she is going to south korea to see their concert for the first time in her life, it is her dream or can say the only purpose to earn money in her life is to see the BTS concert from the front row seat.

At Elsa's Home

"Are you sure you want to go alone, i mean you never left the country without us “  her mother asked her concerned.

"Mumma, this is the 10th time you are asking me this question, don't worry I'll manage, i am a big girl now “  Elsa answered while doing her packing.

"she is not a child anymore darling , she has a business and she deals with lots of people every day, so she can manage herself so you don't need to worry “ a voice answered from behind them. 

"Dad“ Elsa happily jumped from bed and went to hug his father who is coming back from his village home after a week.

"yes, yes, i can see she is not a child anymore" her mom said rolling her eyes .

"Don't worry darling she can manage, right princess?" Her father asked while kissing her mother's cheeks and She looked at them in awe,

Elsa's parents had a love marriage, they both met during their college days and fell in love and finally after settling in their lives they married each other, after that they started their own business, Her parents are her ideal couple.

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